أفضل 500 فعل إنجليزي: الجزء 9

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مثل في العديد من المسرحيات في برودواي.
începe să înveți
to act
take part
Ha acted in many plays on Broadway.
هل يمكنك أن تشرح لي هذه المعادلة؟
începe să înveți
to explain
Could you explain this equation to me?
أن تظهر عليها علامات الاستخدام المتكرر
بدأت السجادة في التأكل من الاستخدام المستمر.
începe să înveți
to wear
show signs of being thoroughly used
The carpet started to wear from constant using.
بدأت المنظمة احتجاجا للدفاع عن الغابة.
începe să înveți
to start
The organization started a protest to defend the forest.
انا دائما أرتدي قميصا و سروال جينز.
începe să înveți
to wear
I always wear a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
تم تكريم ماريا أخيرا من قبل الرئيس لعملها مع المعوقين.
începe să înveți
to recognize
Maria was finally recognized by the president for her work with the disabled.
كيف يمكنك مشاهدة التلفزيون طوال اليوم؟
începe să înveți
to watch
How can you watch TV all day?
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"أفضل 500 فعل إنجليزي"
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