Alphabetischer Wortschatz - A

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to lock
Did you lock the door?
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Hast du die Tür abgeschlossen?
to clean up
The mother asked the child to clean up his room.
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Die Mutter bat das Kind sein Zimmer aufzuräumen.
His family is quite poor, but they are happy.
începe să înveți
Seine Familie ist ziemlich arm, aber sie sind glücklich.
Shall we go to the exhibition together on Thursday?
începe să înveți
die Ausstellung
plural: die Ausstellungen
Sollen wir am Donnerstag zusammen in die Ausstellung?
Smoking is allowed outside the building.
începe să înveți
Außerhalb des Gebäudes darf man rauchen.
You can buy medicines in a pharmacy.
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die Apotheke
plural: die Apotheken
In einer Apotheke kann man Medikamente kaufen.
What should we do with the old machine?
începe să înveți
der Apparat
plural: die Apparate
Was sollen wir mit dem alten Apparat machen?
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"Goethe Zertifikat - A2"
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