C1 1301 - 1325

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Întrebare Răspuns
Jestem sceptyczny, jeśli chodzi o pobudki Gordona. Nie wygląda mi na kogoś godnego zaufania.
începe să înveți
sceptical (about/of)
I'm very sceptical about Gordon's motives. He doesn't seem very trustworthy to me.
rozkoszować się, smakować
Będę rozkoszować się tym kawałkiem czekolady, bo jutro przechodzę na dietę.
începe să înveți
I'm going to savour this piece of chocolate, because tomorrow I'm going on a diet.
Nie stać mnie na zapłacenie za studia samemu, więc mam nadzieję zdobyć stypendium.
începe să înveți
I can't afford to pay for university by myself, so I'm hoping to win a scholarship.
Jeśli pojedziesz na urlop w zimie, najgorszy scenariusz jest taki, że przez cały czas będzie padać.
începe să înveți
If you go on holiday in winter the worst scenario is that it could rain the whole time.
sfatygowany, znoszony
Używana sofa była nieco sfatygowana, ale Nina pomyślała, że uda jej się ją odnowić.
începe să înveți
The second-hand sofa was a little shabby, but Nina thought she could refurbish it.
prezentować, wystawiać na pokaz
Projektantka zaprezentuje swoją letnią kolekcję na jutrzejszym pokazie mody.
începe să înveți
The designer is going to showcase her summer collection at the fashion show tomorrow.
Dotychczas odbyłem trzy sesje w studiu nagraniowym.
începe să înveți
I've had three sessions in the recording studio so far.
+18 cartonașe
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"Słownictwo do C1 Advanced (CAE) "
(în total 1.500 cartonașe)

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