dicționar arabă - engleză

العربية - English

قمة în engleză:

1. summit summit

The summit of the mountain is covered with snow.
It is in this room that the summit will be held.
By summit, do you mean the Group of Eight?
When I reached the summit, I was thoroughly worn out.
We'll make the summit of the hill by noon.
The view from the summit is very nice.
Daisuke climbed to the summit.
The summit talks are to be broadcast around the globe.
The summit conference was held for world peace.
I should have exiled myself to the summit of a mountain and spent my days growing bonsais and writing kanji in black ink.
After the summit, President Mitterand said that he dissociated himself from the statement.
It seemed to me that beauty was like the summit of a mountain peak; when you had reached it there was nothing to do but to come down again.
Make one more effort and you will reach the summit.
They carried on the summit conference till late.
They will make an assault on the summit, weather permitting.