A pot belly is an occupational hazard for office workers.
Do you care to hazard a guess?
This is a hazard to your health.
The hazards of flying aren’t very high.
The most serious hazard in space is radiation.
Just think before you start work - know the hazards.
The World Disasters Report 2018, released on Wednesday, has found that more than two billion people have been affected by natural disasters over the past decade, mostly by weather-related hazards including floods, storms and bushfires.
... greater populations living in hazard- exposed areas.”
An example of an injunction is a tenant forcing his or her landlord to make repairs to his or her apartment due to a safety hazard.
hazardous substance
Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.
Report all potential hazards to a superior.
Modern wind turbines are almost silen, rotating so slowly that they are rarely a hazard to birds.
What are the main health hazards to construction workers on the site?
Put your hazard lights on if you are parking here.
It put their lives in peril.
Let me thank you ahead of time for guarding us all from the perils beyond the wall.
The spectre creeps behind you, ignore him at your peril
For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.
They faced the peril of falling rocks.
Many wild animals are in peril of losing their lives.
There’s lots of peril that you’re going to face but
exposure to peril / needless exposure to peril
People are unaware of the peril these miners face each day
I knew that no peril could come to me if I stayed alert
Great danger, or something that is very dangerous. I never felt that my life was in peril.
You felt that people often underestimated this man, much to their own peril.
They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.
a sign warning of the peril of falling rocks; a warning about the perils of drug abuse
Do you see some peril from up there?
Engleză cuvântul "خطر„(peril) apare în seturi:
504 - English to Persian3.
Faith school menace
This power plant is a menace to the environment.
He professes no longer to like baseball, at least in its current incarnation—the scarcity of balls in play, the camaraderie among opponents, the absence of menace—but he can’t help offering a few pointed observations about, say, the left fielder’s in
menace of fire
I don't feel threatened by his menaces.
He is a menace to the public security!
Some day mankind must face and destroy the growing robot menace.
Urban foxes are not only a nuisance they’re a real menace!
The new law menaces our freedom.
icy Night King and his undead horde serving as the looming doomsday menace.
For one moment I felt menace, and then nothing at all.
Sharks ar esometimes considered a menace but in fact they rarely bother people
This drink bar in your house is a menace to my sobriety
The escaped prisoners are a menace to society.
This kind of bomb is a serious menace to mankind.