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bibliothécaire în engleză:

1. librarian's librarian's

Engleză cuvântul "bibliothécaire„(librarian's) apare în seturi:

Fiches du livre - "Angel's Egg" (Edgar Pangborn)
Fiches du livre - "The Spell" (William Dana Orcutt)
Fiches du livre - "Transfer Point" (Anthony Boucher)
Fiches du livre - "How to Form a Library, 2nd ed" ...
Fiches du livre - "The Librarian at Play" (Edmund ...

2. librarian

I'm a librarian.
If you can’t find a book in the library, just ask the librarian.
The librarian showed us that we must be quiet.
That librarian had to read lots of books.
A librarian at my high school is very nice
She is a librarian, not a secretary.
The librarian returned with the book I wanted.
I told the librarian that I needed the book for a report due on Friday; so she said she would call it in.

Engleză cuvântul "bibliothécaire„(librarian) apare în seturi:

Fiches du livre - "Bimmie Says" (Sydney Van Scyoc)
Fiches du livre - "A Child's Dream of a Star" (Cha...
Fiches du livre - "The Library Assistant's Manual"...
Fiches du livre - "Women Students in the Universit...
Fiches du livre - "A Book for All Readers An Aid t...