dicționar islandeză - engleză

Íslenska - English

áhugasamir în engleză:

1. motivated motivated

I don't know what motivated me to come here.
Staying motivated at work is an essential ingredient in professional success
The candidate's answers to the questionnaire show that he is serious and highly motivated.
He is a serious, hardworking, motivated, grown-up and open-minded person.
Politics is motivated by interests.
Jez is a very motivated person. He gets up every morning with a positive attitude.
He was incredibly motivated to get the contract. (On był niesamowicie zmotywowany, żeby dostać ten kontrakt.)
Many people are motivated by money.
He was incredibly motivated to get the contract.
The students are all highly motivated.
My son motivated himself to succeed in music.
She's just finished university and seems motivated.
When she first joined the gym, she felt extremely motivated and went every day.
The students are motivated because they have to pass the exam.
Anders had the fewest toys out of anyone in his class, which motivated him to make friends quickly.