dicționar islandeză - engleză

Íslenska - English

skjal în engleză:

1. documents documents

They burned all the documents.
The documents were tampered with.
With respect to these documents, I think the best thing is to destroy them.
Other documents of great importance include the writings of the Jesuits.
It was not until this year that these documents were made available to the public.
In legal documents, difficult words and phrases are often used.
They found out truth while examining a pile of relevant documents.
An office machine is cranking out a stream of documents.
Divide the pile of documents equally, and take them one by one to either side of the room.
He repeatedly checked the mountain of related documents.
To apply further analysis to documents and files matching the keywords and find the hidden truth is "knowledge".
Simply follow the instructions below, and in no time you will be printing full color documents just as easily and quickly as black and white.
The role of the historian is less to discover and catalog documents than to interpret and explain them.
The five documents treat of the French post-revolutionary situation.