to adapt to
Adjust the brakes.
Starting with a population of childless married couples it will give the initial crew a few years to adjust to their new surroundings without the distraction and responsibility of caring for children.
She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath, and walked into the room. I went to adjust the television set.
Because most people adjust in months.
adjustment /n adjustable /adj
to adjust the claim to our mutual satisfaction
Every Sunday, Takashi loves to adjust his car's engine.
Man learned to adjust to, and in some ways to shape, his environment.
They lived high on the hog for so long, and now they can't adjust to a simple life without luxuries.
Remember that if you want to teach children, you have to adjust the range of vocabulary to their level
do you find that you are constantly having to adjust your television set, or do you always have agood clear
An example of adjust is to tighten the handlebars on a bicycle. A man adjusts the handlebars on his bicycle.
This makes it possible to adjust the settings in one place, to affect all customers in that profile.
his eyes had adjusted to semi-darkness. it wastes the buyer's time and may require an adjusting credit note to be issued
I've adjusted new value for this parameter so you should tell the difference.
3. to accommodate
We had to accommodate more than 1000 guests.
If you need more time, we'll try to accommodate you. We decided to accommodate to the rules of our company.
4. to match
to match me
5. match up
They will have to be interrogated once again as their stories proved not to match up.
Their accounts of what happened that evening didn't match up.
Engleză cuvântul "dopasowywać się„(match up) apare în seturi:
LISTENING BRITISH COUNCIL - sierpień 2018 - level C16. fit in with
It has to fit in with company's plans.
In our opinion, that does not fit in with the principle of budgetary accuracy and clarity.
7. align to
8. fit in
I tried to fit in, but they were all much younger than I was.
She says that she doesn't fit in at her new school.
She desperately wanted to fit in.
he feels he should become tough to fit in with his friends
He didn't fit in
Do you think you will fit in?
Over time; however; Paul has managed to fit in with his new neighbours.