1. walkway
2. passage
The minority party made a last-ditch effort to block passage of the bills.
Read this passage.
Slave revolts interfere with Middle Passage.
There is a tide is, in fact, from a passage in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
The passage illustrates Robinson Crusoe's landing on a wild desert island after his shipwreck.
The following passage was quoted from a well-known fable.
: Her aides had to go on ahead of her to clear a passage.
Our task was to write a short passage about how we spent our holidays.
I had to remove snow from the passage of the garage every morning.
Another one is the dispute over the strategic north passage between Asia and America.
seeking passage on a ship from Africa.
Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.
A few minutes later, he found himself in a long underground passage, a place of absolute peace and s
Harry heard chairs move. As quietly as he could, he hurried down the passage to the bar and out of sight.
She managed to back through the narrow passage.
Engleză cuvântul "pasaż„(passage) apare în seturi:
sprzedawanie i kupowanieangielski specjalistyczny3. malls
No malls
4. passenger
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.
A flight attendant was rescued from the wreckage of the passenger plane.
A passenger fainted, but the stewardess brought him around.
A passenger airplane took off for the USA.
There is a limit of two pieces of luggage for each passenger.
The U.S. exports billions of dollars' worth of passenger airplanes.
There were 15 passengers.
The bag I left on the passenger seat is missing!
The Lockheed scandal is a worldwide corruption scandal involving the major American plane manufacturer Lockheed. It came to light in February 1976 and revolved mainly around the acceptance of passenger plane contracts.
Why didn't they draw up a passenger list?
A highwayman robbed a foot passenger of his money.
People talk to their fellow passengers to amuse themselves on a train.
The passengers all got out of the bus when it reached the terminus.
I settled back in my seat on the train and looked round at the other passengers.
To fly big passenger airliners calls for long training and experience.
5. run
You run.
She got a run in her stocking when she broke the heel of her shoe.
I was going to run over the notes one last time, but there wasn't time.
Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.
They have run this small hotel since it was established.
I like to do a few exercises to loosen up before I run.
I was late for the bus, late for work, and got a run my stockings.
Please write me a letter whenever you run into trouble.
Northerners had expected to win the Battle of Bull Run.
You've run into some trouble or something?
She knew that if she started to cry her mascara would run.
A good ballboy or ballgirl must be able to concentrate hard and run fast.
Will you run down to the corner and buy me a paper?
Lots of women both run a home and go out to work.
6. pedestrian precinct