His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.
After spending 70 days trapped in a collapsed mine shaft, all of the 33 Chilean miners were rescued.
a mineshaft
the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft
shaft of engine - wał napędowy; shaft of sunlight - snop światła
The shaft of a hammer was bigger than my palm.
Dung beetle tunnels will serve as ventilation shafts, bringing oxygen into the pat.
I'm gonna shaft that scum.
the shaft of a golf club. The arrow maker ensured the shaft was straight.
... each one trying to shaft the next.
This shaft links with a piston.
You are in a narrow rocky shaft. There is some light shining from far above. Below you is the cave you started in. What do you do now?
Engleză cuvântul "wał„(shaft) apare în seturi:
Test-silnik, trafo-28.03.23dimensional accuracy Unit7THE GENERATORUnit 8 Energysilnik szybki2.
Is it true that Joan is a dike?
Twelve boxers chase Victor across the big Sylter dike.
Engleză cuvântul "wał„(dike) apare în seturi:
teksty z zajęć3.
Construction of embankments is under way.
There is a dangerous embankment along the road, be careful.
Engleză cuvântul "wał„(embankment) apare în seturi:
Dżoana - angielskiroad and motorways4.
Rumors of a Wall Street crash sparked a dollar selling spree.
Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in?
A man touched down on the moon. A wall came down in Berlin. A world was connected by our own science and imagination.
a white wall
It is considered bad form for a comic book character to break the fourth wall.
The wall separating criminals from non-criminals is not as thick as we think.
Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who in the land is fairest of all? And then the mirror would always reply: "You, my queen, are fairest of all."
To keep holding the barrier up is just to wait for death! So we're going to go out past the wall and counter attack the enemy, you ready!?
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.
Emperor Hadrian had Hadrian's Wall built.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
wall carpeting
wall wall wall wall wall Wall wall wall wall wall wall
стены дома|walls of a house
5. berm