to owe
Engleză cuvântul "dever„(to owe) apare în seturi:
Top 1000 palavras ingleses 951 - 10001000 most common Portuguese words - part 1Portuguese words: Top 500 Verbs 351 - 375 - 500 ve...VERB TRAINER2.
You should sleep.
If I should be suddenly spoken to in English, I might run away.
The relationship between husband and wife should be based on love.
Needless to say, fundamental human rights should be respected.
If your company primarily does business with America, then you should be studying English with a native speaker from America.
Tom is taking a walk with Mary and should be back before long.
Tom agrees that Mary should do most of the driving on their upcoming trip.
Spending time with your significant other should be high on your priority list.
You don't have to study all day. You should go out and have some fun.
Don't come to me now with that. You should have said something when it originally happened.
Should I put this bag in the overhead compartment?
A man should not be judged by his station in life.
Before you go hiking in the woods, find out what you should do when you meet a bear.
The first word of every sentence should be capitalized.
What should we do with people who are very sick or hurt and can't get better?
Engleză cuvântul "dever„(should) apare în seturi:
Top 1000 palavras ingleses 101 - 150Inglês de 1 a 1003.
I must go.
Now that he has graduated, he must become more serious.
All the delegates knew they must discuss it.
I will go if I must.
You lean on your parents too much. You must be more independent.
His doctoral thesis must be submitted to the professor by the end of the month.
The checked player must find a way for the king to escape and block the check.
I must have tried on everything in the shop, but nothing looked right on me.
Must we dress up?
Even if it costs 10,000 yen, I must buy the dictionary.
In order to qualify for the homestay you must have an interview with the sponsors.
It's already ten o'clock. My mother must be angry.
Under no circumstances must you leave the room.
What a good scholar the author must be to write such a splendid book!
In cold weather we must be sure to keep our bodies warm.
Engleză cuvântul "dever„(must) apare în seturi:
Portuguese words: Top 500 Verbs 26 - 50 - 500 verb...1 a 100 verbos4. duty
If you don't do your duty, people will look down on you.
He risked his life to carry out his duty and inspired police officers everywhere.
Call of duty
Because we reject the same thing that people of all faiths reject: the killing of innocent men, women, and children. And it is my first duty as President to protect the American people.
However, the duty of a student is to study. So if you neglect the end of term test, that's a "no!".
The police officer on duty sensed an elderly man coming up behind him.
The strongest is never strong enough to always be master, unless he transforms strength into right, and obedience into duty. From there derives the right of the strongest.
The traditional way of learning a language may satisfy at most one's sense of duty, but it can hardly serve as a source of joy. Nor will it likely be successful.
Duty should come before anything else.
We have a duty to adopt this text which, of course, could be further improved.
a moral duty [+ to do sth] Rail companies have a duty to provide safe transport.
It should be noted that the duty continues after a notice of allowance is mailed and the issue fee is paid.
The dignity of man is inviolable. To respect and protect it is the duty of all state authority.
Just because it's a "safe day" I'm not going to make out like monkeys without protection. Isn't it the duty of loving sex to take proper care of contraception?