dicționar sârbă - engleză

српски језик - English

нагон în engleză:

1. instinct

I wonder if keeping your head down and living safely is a survival instinct.
The instinct for survival is innate.
trust your instinct
It cannot plausibly be argued that behaviour of such complexity derives entirely from instinct.
Instinct is often a poor guide.
Laughter is a human instinct, and when it comes to instinct, cultural barriers don't exist.
That is to say, a language is something that we learn and are taught, not something that we know by instinct.
He is possessed of a strong fighting instinct.
In art, as in love, instinct is good enough.
Social networks enable men to revive their instinct of pack hunters, like hyena.
In making a decision, I rely not on logic but on instinct.
Are chimpanzees driven mainly by instinct or by intelligence?
[+ to do sth] a mother's instinct to protect her children
I have a good instinct about who to trust.
There are things that only intelligence is capable of searching for, but which it itself will never find. These things can only be found by instinct, but it will never search for them.