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Türkçe - English

belirlemek în engleză:

1. identify identify

I identify with you.
You can easily identify Tom because he is very tall.
Which one of Japan's historical characters do you identify yourself with?
First of all we have to identify the problem.
You can identify children's voices without any problem.
Some people identify success with having much money.
Planets are easy to identify because they don't twinkle like stars do.
What is significant in this argument is that his theory can identify those phenomena.
Psychics often ‘identify’ common medical problems.
Market studies are investigations that companies condcut to identify custoer needs.
When asked to identify America’s worst contribution; 32% of Americans pointed to film and television.
Some of the children in the photographs have still not been identified. You need to identify your priorities.
Someone from the family has to identify the body.
I identify more with my work than with my private life.
Researchers Identify New Receptor Complex in Brain

2. determine

Carbon dating was performed on the sample to determine its age.
To determine its origin, we must go back to the middle ages.
When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever happens next.
They determined rights
Syllogism is a logical argument in which two propositions determine one conclusion.
In my work, I sometimes simply determine an area with a tape measure.
How to determine whether a how" sentence is a question." "Yes, how?"
Not material, but spiritual things determine our live.
We must determine if any of us is infected. / 2. It'll help us determine exactly when the victim died. / 3. Of course we cannot determine yet.
She claims that most human behaviour is socially determined.
As there is no english academy to determine english pronunciation, how can one know what standart english proununciation sounds like?
Their power is determined by wave height, speed, wavelength and water density.
A person’s success in exams is determined by good preparation, lack of anxiety and, of course, luck!
To determine what products were the strongest in the NoSQL space
The LLP shall carry on the business and/or on such other or traditional trade profession or business as the Members shall from time to time determine.

3. establish

establish a branch
In sharp contrast to the communication style of men, which seeks to establish dominance, women's communicating is more equal.
/set up/ the british established a rich trade with portugal
We should gradually establish with Russia a continuous dialogue covering all the aspects of conflict resolution,
She established a system of tracking expenses more accurately.
Our first step must be to establish priorities for the weeks ahead.
For your information, the marketing subcommittee is scheduling a phone conference to establish objectives and directions for 1998.
In order to allow the employee to celebrate such holidays, the employer, at his request, shall establish an individual schedule of working hours for him.
An example of establish is when you start a business.
Some Members have voiced the idea of establishing 'illegal immigrant quotas'.
There is a strong need to establish effective communication links between staff, parents, pupils, and external bodies.
When the college was established in 1546, it inherited a hall from each of three antecedent institutions.
Mrs President is responsible for establish law.
Why is it so difficult to establish that the nervous cell is the basic unit for the nervous tissue?

4. set

on the set
My TV set is almost 15 years old, but it still has a good picture.
The company's capital expenditure program is set to be 10 billion yen for this year.
As the recession set in, temporary employees were laid off one after another.
Upon arriving home, he immediately set about preparing a meal.
It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright.
The walkers set out from Boston and reached San Francisco six months later.
Where have you got such a beautiful set of glasses from?
Our company has come a long way since it was set up.
Christopher Columbus demanded that an entire "Columbus Week" be set aside to celebrate his glory, but in the end only got a day, and only in America.
As I was eating lunch, Kichiya came to me and, while she was serving my meal, she was toying happily with her ring set with a gleaming jewel.
The two of you need to take the basket of apples over to your grandfather, the mother said. "You will grab it from one side, and you - from the other. And that's how you'll set out."
Sachiko always said: "You'd better set some money aside in case you get sick."
In May, they set on him in the street, attacking him with fists, kicks and a knife.
Detailed design is the work of drawing up a diagram that is capable of being manufactured from the plan set in the baseline design.

5. detect

I detected her hesitance.
The police can detect people who drive dangerously by reading their number plates on surveillance cameras.
He detected some possible problems.
It's the first prison in the world to be using a drone-detecting fence.
to detect a problem with sth I could detect an undercurrent of resentment.
metal detector
Yesterday my smoke sensor detected a smoke.
The security system detected that a person broke into the house and the alarm went off.
The change was too small for him to detect.
The computer can detect 200 types of error.
The only metal that a metal detector can detect is the metal in another metal detector. That fact was instrumental in my parents' meeting.