Extremely simplified grammar

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Usually, they stand BEFORE the noun they modify.
example: горячий чай (hot tea); красивый дом (beautiful house)
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Russians use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and for proper nouns.
example: Я люблю тебя. (I love you.); Москва (Moscow); Алиса (Alice)
How to form adverbs
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Replace "ый", "ий" with "о" or "е"
хороший -> хорошо (good); средний -> средне (middle)
Formal speech
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The formal "you" is written with a capital.
example: Вы не хотите чая? (Do you want tea?)
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To form a plural you have to change the last letter depending on the case. We will show you some of the basic examples that will work in most cases, even though there are more rules for different words.
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We will give you some examples of verbs in simple tenses for you to overview. Do not forget that the verb should agree in gender and number with the other words of the sentence.
смотрел -> смотрю -> посмотрю (to see, masculine, singular); купила -> покупаю -> куплю (to buy, feminine, singular); ходили -> ходим -> пойдем (to go, plural)
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The easiest and most universal way to compare is by adding "more" or "less". Changing adjectives in the comparative and superlative involves many rules.
Степан красивый. Степан более красивый, чем Иван. Степан менее красивый, чем Игорь. (Stephen is pretty. Stephen is more pretty than Ivan. Stephen is less pretty than Igor.)
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