Most common nouns 101 - 150

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începe să înveți
the act of operating something e.g. a device
începe să înveți
the measure of something
începe să înveți
when you speak you use your voice so that people can hear you
începe să înveți
everything that happens in your life can teach you something and you gain experience e.g. you learn from your own mistakes
începe să înveți
male offspring
începe să înveți
a document in which you describe how things are
începe să înveți
a) a place, usually outdoors, where people can buy groceries b) a general place dedicated to commerce
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Most common nouns 101 - 150

Here is the list 1000 most common nouns for English users which is an excellent starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in English. Common nouns are words used to name general items rather than specific ones. Common nouns are everywhere, and you can use them all the time even you do not realize it. Nouns give you a concrete way to talk about the people, places, and things around you.

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