Number idioms - Idiomes sur les nombres

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to cast the first stone
to criticise or to attack someone
Henry is the best to cast the first stone.
începe să înveți
jeter la première pierre
critiquer ou attaquer quelqu'un
Henry est le premier à jeter la première pierre.
to feel like a million dollars
to feel great/healthy
Anouk looks like a million dollars in her new clothes!
începe să înveți
être resplendissant/rayonnante
se sentir bien et en pleine santé
Anouk est resplendissante dans ses nouveaux habits!
to have one over the eight
a person is slightly drunk
From the way we were singing, it was obvious we had one over the eight.
începe să înveți
avoir un coup dans le nez
une personne légèrement alcoolisée
La façon dont on chantait, c'était clair qu'on avait un coup dans le nez.
nine times out of ten
almost always
Nine times out of ten I order pizza on Sundays.
începe să înveți
neuf fois sur dix
presque toujours
Neuf fois sur dix je commande pizza le dimanche.
to take five
take a (five minute) rest
I'll take five if you don't mind.
începe să înveți
prendre 5 minutes
prendre une pause (de 5 minutes)
Je vais prendre 5 minutes si ça ne vous dérange pas.
by the numbers / by the book
to follow the instructions exactly
My mum never cooks by the numbers.
începe să înveți
à la lettre
suivre les instructions
Ma mère ne suit jamais la recette à la lettre.
a million and one
I have a million and one ideas for this project.
începe să înveți
mille et une
J'ai mille et une idées pour ce projet.
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