Phrasal verbs

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Întrebare English Răspuns English
to be very luck
începe să înveți
to luck out
In the film industry, you really need to luck out to step out.
to get drunk from excess of alcohol
începe să înveți
to liquor up
Andy liquored up yesterday at the wedding.
to remain in or near a place
începe să înveți
to stick around
Don't you want to stick around for the weekend at least?
to lose all your money especially in a game
începe să înveți
to bust out
I didn't stay long, I busted out in poker around midnight.
to overplay
începe să înveți
to hoke up
That guy hoked up the role of Demetrius in the play.
go to bed
începe să înveți
to sack out
You guys party all you want, I'm sacking out.
become fat
începe să înveți
to blimp up
She blimped up because she eats at fast food restaurants all the time.
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