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Am început să folosesc VocApp 2230 zile în urmă. Sunt autorul a 18 lecții. Data ultimei mele vizite este 2019-02-26 12:08:54.

Interesele mele


Cartonașele create de mine

Shapes - Formas
Shapes - Formas
Characteristics - Características
Characteristics - Características
Tools - Herramientas
Tools - Herramientas
Parts of a car - Partes de un coche
Parts of a car - Partes de un coche
The world of the animals - El mundo de los animales
The world of the animals - El mundo de los animales
Maritime transport - Transporte marítimo
Maritime transport - Transporte marítimo
Winter sports - Deportes de invierno
Winter sports - Deportes de invierno
Science and technique - Ciencia y técnica
Science and technique - Ciencia y técnica
Parts of the body - Partes del cuerpo
Parts of the body - Partes del cuerpo
Law and crime - Ley y delitos
Law and crime - Ley y delitos
Landscape, plants and ecology - Paisaje, plantas y ecología
Landscape, plants and ecology - Paisaje, plantas y ecología
Kitchen and cooking - Cocina
Kitchen and cooking - Cocina
Finance and economy - Finanzas y economía
Finance and economy - Finanzas y economía
Food and drink - Comida y bebida
Food and drink - Comida y bebida
Proverbs and sayings - Proverbios y dichos
Proverbs and sayings - Proverbios y dichos
Culture and art - Cultura y arte
Culture and art - Cultura y arte
Hunting and fishing - Caza y pesca
Hunting and fishing - Caza y pesca
Vulgarisms and colloquialisms - Vulgarismos y coloquialismos
Vulgarisms and colloquialisms - Vulgarismos y coloquialismos

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