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Am început să folosesc VocApp 1361 zile în urmă. Studiez cu VocApp 29 zile, dintre care sistematic 0 zile. Sunt autorul a 16 lecții. Data ultimei mele vizite este 2022-02-21 18:52:05.

Interesele mele


Cartonașele create de mine

other words / inne wyrazy
Socialising / Spotkania
Holidays and celebrations / Święta i uroczystości
Congratulations and wishes / Gratulacje i życzenia
Games / Gry
Games and fun activities / Gry i zabawy
Formal language / Język formalny
Other words / Inne wyrazy
Describing levels of performance / Opis osiągnięć sportowych
Competetive sports / Sporty wyczynowe
Dishonesty in sports / Nieuczciwość w sporcie
Other words / Inne wyrazy (do failure)
Other words / Inne wyrazy (od fighting spirit)

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