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Am început să folosesc VocApp 1024 zile în urmă. Studiez cu VocApp 173 zile, dintre care sistematic 0 zile. Sunt autorul a 63 lecții. Data ultimei mele vizite este 2025-02-17 05:30:38.

Interesele mele

engleză, latină

Cartonașele create de mine

Past simple
Past continuous
przydatne słówka
auxiliary verbs
auxiliary verbs 2
auxiliary verbs 3
auxiliary verbs 4
auxiliary verbs 5
auxiliary verbs 6
auxiliary verbs 7
auxiliary verbs 8
auxiliary verbs 9
auxiliary verbs 10
auxiliary verbs 11
auxiliary verbs 12
to do / to make
to do / to make 2
to do / to make 3
to do / to make 4
to do / to make 5
to do / to make 6
Phraseal Verbs
Phraseal Verbs 2
Phraseal Verbs 3
Phraseal Verbs 4
Phraseal Verbs 5
Phraseal Verbs 6
W pracy
Phraseal Verbs 7
Phraseal Verbs 8
Phraseal Verbs 9
Verb Patterns verb + -ing
test tel
Verb Patterns verb + infinitive
wyrażenia + -ing
Modale + infinitive (bez "to")
Czasownik + -ing / inf BZZ
Czasownik + -ing lub inf ZZ
Verb Patterns 1
Verb Patterns 2
Verb Patterns 3
Verb Patterns 4
Verb Patterns 5
Verb Patterns 6
Verb Patterns 7
Verb Patterns 8
Verb Pattern - trudne
Convesational connectors
Conversational connectors 2
Conversational connectors 3
W pracy - zdania
liczby, ułamki
Marta - problems
Pojęcia poligraficzne
Chwała Ojcu
O mój Jezu
O Maryjo

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