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Olaa1990 Olaa1990

Am început să folosesc VocApp 3799 zile în urmă. Studiez cu VocApp 58 zile, dintre care sistematic 0 zile. Sunt autorul a 23 lecții. Data ultimei mele vizite este 2024-10-15 10:20:06.

Interesele mele


Cartonașele create de mine

od Arturka
mowa zależna
British Council
go for a walk to get creative
ksiazka o farmacji
lekcji u arturka
verb followed infinitive
verb followed form-ING
words followed either by inf or ing-form
vaccine pioneers
microplastic in the water
a changing world
vaccine of coronavirus
video about pandemic
embracing emotions at work
feed back
cyber crime and ikea
the fame game

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