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Am început să folosesc VocApp 2725 zile în urmă. Studiez cu VocApp 14 zile, dintre care sistematic 0 zile. Sunt autorul a 15 lecții. Data ultimei mele vizite este 2019-03-08 14:36:35.

Interesele mele

angielski, engleză

Cartonașele create de mine

Czasowniki nieregularne - część 1
Czasowniki nieregularne - część 1 - tłumaczenie
Module 4b - Predicting the weather
Powtórzenie wiadomości z rozdziałów 1-4
Powtórzenie z rozdziałów 5-6, The Incredible 5 Team (2)
Czasowniki nieregularne wszystkie formy
People who made a difference - słownictwo z tekstu
Adjectives of character - unit 2
The Chilean Mine Rescue
Danielle Smith's blog of all things Jamaican
Nouns formed from adjectives - ness
Useful language unit 2
Linking phrases
Treasure in the park
Computer words - unit 5

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