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Am început să folosesc VocApp 2566 zile în urmă. Studiez cu VocApp 89 zile, dintre care sistematic 0 zile. Sunt autorul a 48 lecții. Data ultimei mele vizite este 2021-03-14 20:19:51.

Interesele mele

angielski, engleză

Cartonașele create de mine

E1 1 - 1 The robbery
E1 1 - 2 Dressing for a first date
E1 1 - 3 The date
E1 1 - 4 The day after
E1 2 - 1 Our new healthy lifestyle
E1 2 - 2 Joining the gym
E1 2 - 3 Running the park
E1 2 - 4 Personal trainer session
E1 3 - 1 A visit to the estate agent
E1 3 - 2 Going to view a house
E1 3 - 3 Working late at the office
E1 3 - 4 A happy housewarming
E1 3 - 4a Adverbials of time
E1 3 - 4b Adverbials of frequency
E1 3 - 4c Adverbials of place
E2 1 - 1 Planning a holiday
E2 1 - 2 Booking holiday activities
E1 4 - 1 Organising a trip to London
E1 4 - 2 Making enquiries for a holiday
E1 4 - 3 Moving abroad
E1 4 - 4 Retuning home after a gap year
E1 5 - 1 The fussy eater
E1 5 - 2 Control your child
E2 1 - 4 At the airport
E2 1 -3 Packing for holiday
E2 2 - 1 Holiday snaps
E2 2 - 2 Celebrity childhood
E2 2 - 4 A hero’s tale
E2 3 - 1 Shopping for a sko trip
E2 3 - 2 Shopping for furnirure
E2 4 - 1 A new job in London
E2 3 - 4 Fabric shopping for a wedding
E2 3 - 3 Shopping for a party
B1 1 - 1 What’s your identity?
B1 1 - 2 How did it make you feel?
B1 1 - 3 But I still love you!
B1 1 - 4 An online profile
B1 2 - 1 The haircut
B1 2 - 3 The lost dog
B1 2 - 4 How I met your father
B1 3 - 1 Now that’s a great book!
B1 3 - 2 Let’s go to the theatre!
B1 3 - 3 She wasn’t there
B1 3 - 4 I read the most amazing book!
B1 4 - 1 The job oportunity
B1 4 - 2 A snowstorm
B1 4 - 3 The breakdown
B1 1 - 4 Right on time

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