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Dostawa paczki była natychmiastowa. începe să înveți
The delivery of the package was overnight.
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începe să înveți
Po przeczytaniu krytycznej recenzji, miałem wątpliwości, czy oglądać film. începe să înveți
After reading the critical review, I was hesitant to watch the movie.
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începe să înveți
Nowy sondaż pokazuje, że tylko 19% Amerykanów jest zadowolonych z aktualnej sytuacji w kraju. începe să înveți
the way things are headed/ going A new poll shows only 19% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the United States.
The party was in full swing by the time we arrived. începe să înveți
The party was in full swing by the time we arrived.
Do tego momentu projekt okazał się być sukcesem. începe să înveți
Thus far, the project has been a success.
Stój! Tacy jak ty nie mają tutaj wstępu!) începe să înveți
top! The likes of you have no entry here!
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Artystka otrzymała dużo pochwał za swoją najnowszą wystawę. începe să înveți
to receive plenty of praise The artist received plenty of praise for her latest exhibition.
Jej wyraz twarzy zdradził niespodziankę, zanim zdążyła cokolwiek powiedzieć. începe să înveți
The look on her face gave away the surprise before she could say anything.
Steve Jobs przełamał schematy, wprowadzając iPhone'a; to zmieniło sposób, w jaki postrzegamy smartfony. începe să înveți
Steve Jobs broke the mould when he introduced the iPhone; it changed the way we think about smartphones.
Nagłe ogłoszenie firmy o zwolnieniach rozpoczęło wiele rozmów i plotek w branży. începe să înveți
The company's sudden announcement about layoffs got tongues wagging in the industry.
Po udanej kampanii marketingowej, firma została zasypana zamówieniami. începe să înveți
to flood something with something After the successful marketing campaign, the company was flooded with orders.
Zdecydowała się ograniczyć do jednej filiżanki kawy dziennie, aby poprawić swoje zdrowie. începe să înveți
She decided to limit herself to one cup of coffee per day to improve her health.
zaprosić kogoś aby nam towarzyszył Miała zamiar iść do muzeum i zaprosiła swojego przyjaciela, aby wycieczka była bardziej przyjemna. începe să înveți
She was going to the museum and invited her friend along to make the outing more enjoyable.
Twórcy filmów o Barbie zbiły majątek na popularności lalki, zarabiając krocie na sprzedaży DVD i różnego rodzaju gadżetów. începe să înveți
The creators of the Barbie movies cashed in on the doll's popularity, making a fortune in DVD sales and merchandise.
The city was awash with tourists during the summer festival. începe să înveți
Miasto było zatłoczone turystami podczas letniego festiwalu.
To znaczy, że jeśli poważnie się zastanowisz nad dowodami, możesz dojść do innego wniosku. începe să înveți
If you look hard enough at the evidence, you may come to a different conclusion.
zbiegać się z czymś w czasie Premiera nowego filmu zbiegła się z urodzinami aktora. începe să înveți
to coincide with something The release of the new movie coincided with the actor's birthday.
Wtedy, po namyśle, on dodał "Pójdę z tobą". începe să înveți
Then, as an afterthought, he added "I'll go with you".
Szybko się podczepiła do grupy podróżników, mając nadzieję, że razem z nimi zwiedzi miasto. începe să înveți
She quickly latched on to the group of travelers, hoping to explore the city with them
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zacierać ręce z zadowolenia începe să înveți
rub your hands with satisfaction
Populacja miasta rośnie w stałym tempie od kilku lat. începe să înveți
The population of the city has been growing at a steady rate for several years.