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I have a horrible headache.
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Conditional O: Jeżeli temperatura wody osiągnie 100 stopni Celsjusza, to woda gotuje się. începe să înveți
Conditional 0: If the water's temperature reaches 100 Celsius degrees the water boils.
Conditional 0: Jeżeli palisz papierosy twój oddech śmierdzi. începe să înveți
Conditional O: If you smoke cigarettes your breath is stinky.
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Conditional 1: Oddam ci pieniądze kiedy tylko będę mógł. începe să înveți
Conditional 1: I will pay you back as soon as I can.
Jak tylko Marysia wyprowadziła się z domu swoich rodziców zaczęła mieć problemy finansowe.:) începe să înveți
As soon as Mary moved out of her parents' house, she started having financial problems.
Conditional 1: Jeżeli poprosisz Marysię o rękę to ona odmówi. începe să înveți
Conditional 1: If you ask Mary to marry you she will say no.
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Nie ma mowy żebyś zdążył na ślub w takim korku. începe să înveți
There is no way you will make it to the wedding in this traffic.
Conditional 1: Nie dotrzesz tam na czas chyba, że teraz wyjdziesz z domu. începe să înveți
Conditional 1: You won't be there on time unless you leave the house right now.
Conditional 2: Poprosiłabym Marysię, żeby posprzątała swój pokój, gdybym chciała sprawić jej przykrość. începe să înveți
Conditional 2: I would ask Mary to clean her room if I wanted to make her sad.
Marysia jest szczęśliwa, bo wychodzi za Harry'ego. începe să înveți
Mary is merry because she is marrying Harry.
Conditional 2: Gdybym była Tobą, nigdy ie naruszyłabym prywatności mojego dziecka:) începe să înveți
Conditional 2: If I were you I would never invade my child's privacy.
Nie będziesz mógł jeść nic gorącego przynajmniej przez tydzień. începe să înveți
You won't be able to eat anything hot for at least a week.
Dzięki wzorowej współpracy z lokalną policją, FBI było wreszcie w stanie aresztować seryjnego mordercę znanego jako Rzeźnik Tomek. începe să înveți
Thanks to the exemplary cooperation with the local police, the FBI was finally able to arrest the serial killer known as "Tommy the Butcher"
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Nie możesz ściągać na teście! Jeżeli zostanie złapany dostaniesz jedynkę! începe să înveți
You mustn't cheat on the test! If you get caught you will get an F!
Powinieneś jeść więcej warzyw- są świetne dla zdrowia. începe să înveți
You should eat more vegetables- they're great for your health.
Czy powinienem przynieść kolejną butelkę, proszę pana? începe să înveți
Shall I bring another bottle, sir?
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rysować, losować, (ciągnąć losy) începe să înveți
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Chciałabym, żeby moja mama nie była tak nastawiona na rywalizację.:) începe să înveți
I wish my mother wasn't so competitive.
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Możliwe, że oni będą musieli przyspieszyć ślub- chcą się pobrać zanim jej brzuch zacznie być widoczny. (bo jest w ciąży) începe să înveți
They might have to bring forward the wedding- they want to get married before her belly starts to show.
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Oni mogliby po prostu opóźnić ślub aż po tym jak dziecko się urodzi. începe să înveți
They could just put the wedding off until after the baby is born.
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Oni pewnie powinni zabrać się za meblowanie pokoju dziecięcego. începe să înveți
They should probably get round to furnishing the nursery.
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Kiedy moja mama zaczyna nerwowo sprzątać mieszkanie, skeretnie chce, żebym się do niej przyłączyła. începe să înveți
When my mother starts nervously cleaning the house, she secretly wants me to join in.
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Będę znosić bałagan w Twojej szafie tak długo jak reszta mieszkania jest czysta. începe să înveți
I will put up with the mess in your closet as long as the rest of the apartment is clean.
zacząć coś robić, zająć się czymś începe să înveți
Postanowiłam zacząć w tym roku jeździć konno. începe să înveți
I decided to take up horse riding this year.
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operacja (w sensie chirurgii) începe să înveți
Nogi mnie bolą po ćwiczeniach (często w sensie, że mam zakwasy) începe să înveți
My legs are sore after my exercises.
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Naprawdę ktoś musi Ci zmienić te bandaże- boję się, że się zakazisz. începe să înveți
You really need to get these bandages changed- I'm afraid you'll get infected.
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Marysia musi ograniczyć palenie- ten nałóg kosztuje ją zarówno pieniądze jak zdrowie. începe să înveți
Mary really needs to cut down on smoking- this addiction is costing her both money and health.