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On zawsze się poci, kiedy kłamie. începe să înveți
I was sweaty. or I was sweating all over. He always perspires when he's lying.
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to give sb the benefit of the doubt
odnosić się do czegoś ze szczyptą rezerwy începe să înveți
to take sth with a grain of salt
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Będą się uśmiechać, a potem wbiją ci nóż w plecy. începe să înveți
They will smile, and then they'll stab you in the back. They're going to smile at your face, and then they're going to stab you in the back.
Mówię ci, po prostu siedź cicho. începe să înveți
I'm telling you, just stay quiet. I'm telling you, just sit tight.
Cóż, chyba lepiej już pójdę. începe să înveți
Well, I guess I'd better be going.
Myślę, że mnie to nie obchodzi. începe să înveți
I think I couldn't care less.
Nie wydawało mi się, że wierzyłeś w to co mówisz începe să înveți
I did not think you believed what you were saying You didn't seem to believe what you were saying.
Pracował godzinami, doskonaląc swe rzemiosło. începe să înveți
He worked for hours, perfecting his craft. He put in the hours, mastered his craft.
Jaja sobie ze mnie robisz! începe să înveți
You have got to be kidding me!
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according to my calculations, by my reckoning
Będzie dobrze, trzymaj się Dave. începe să înveți
It will be good, hold on to Dave. All right, just hang in there, Dave.
Więc co porabiałeś, poza tym, że tęskniłeś za mną jak wariat? od kiedy się ostatnim razem widzieliśmy? przez cały ten czas?, începe să înveți
So what have you been up to besides missing me like crazy? since we last met?, all that time?
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începe să înveți
Babies come from the stork.
Ale... proszę mówić cicho. începe să înveți
But ... please, keep quiet. But... please keep your voice down.
Zastanawiałam się, jakby to było, gdybyśmy tu zamieszkali începe să înveți
I wondered what it would be like if we lived here I was just thinking what it would be like if we lived here.
z miejsca, z marszu, bez przygotowania (zwykle o przemawianiu) începe să înveți
my wiemy, do czego to prowadzi: jest to droga prowadząca do poddaństwa. începe să înveți
we know what it leads to: it is a path leading to serfdom. we know where that leads to: it leads down the road to serfdom.
Musimy unikać postrzegania naszych polityk jako niejasnych lub realizowanych według podwójnych standardów. începe să înveți
We have to avoid our policies being perceived as ambiguous or as applying double standards.
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real alternative, viable alternative
bluźnierstwo i wszechstronność începe să înveți
blasphemy and versatility
kobiety chcą być równo traktowane începe să înveți
women want to be treated equally
punkt widzenia zależy od punku siedzenia începe să înveți
Where you stand on the issue depends on where you sit.
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Obawiam się, nie jestem upoważniona do udzielania takich informacji. cena jest wysoka i została tylko częściowo ujawniona. începe să înveți
'm afraid I'm not at liberty to divulge that information. the price is high, and it has only partially been divulged.
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