14. Cybersecurity and data privacy

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data breach
A data breach can have severe consequences for a company, leading to the exposure of sensitive information and potential financial harm.
începe să înveți
an incident where information is stolen or taken from a system without the knowledge or authorization of the system's owner
Wyciek danych może mieć poważne konsekwencje dla firmy, prowadząc do ujawnienia wrażliwych informacji i potencjalnych szkód finansowych.
extent of
Understanding the extent of a cybersecurity threat is crucial for a quick and effective response to mitigate any damage.
începe să înveți
the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or included in something
Zrozumienie zakresu zagrożenia związanego z cyberbezpieczeństwem jest kluczowe dla szybkiej i efektywnej reakcji w celu zmniejszenia ewentualnych szkód.
Time is of the essence, so completing this pressing task should be our top priority.
începe să înveți
something that requires immediate attention or action
Czas jest istotny, dlatego ukończenie tego pilnego zadania powinno być naszym najważniejszym priorytetem.
The aim of our software development team is to create user-friendly applications that enhance productivity and improve user experience.
începe să înveți
to set a goal
Celem naszego zespołu ds. rozwoju oprogramowania jest tworzenie przyjaznych użytkownikowi aplikacji, które zwiększają produktywność i poprawiają jakość doświadczenia użytkownika.
security patch
It's essential to regularly update your system with the latest security patches to protect it from emerging threats.
începe să înveți
software update or fix designed to address security vulnerabilities
Ważne jest regularne aktualizowanie systemu najnowszymi łatkami bezpieczeństwa, aby chronić go przed pojawiającymi się zagrożeniami.
have the upper hand
In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, staying one step ahead can give you the upper hand in defending against cyberattacks.
începe să înveți
have the advantage over someone or something
W ciągle zmieniającym się świecie cyberbezpieczeństwa, bycie krokiem do przodu może dać przewagę w obronie przed atakami internetowymi.
Cybercriminals can be ruthless in their pursuit of valuable data, making it essential to have strong security measures in place.
începe să înveți
not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others; cruel
Cyberprzestępcy potrafią być bezwzględni w dążeniu do cennych danych, dlatego istotne jest, aby mieć silne środki zabezpieczeń.
Meeting the demands of a growing online user base requires a scalable and reliable IT infrastructure.
începe să înveți
requests or requirements made by one party to another
Spełnienie wymagań rosnącej bazy użytkowników online wymaga skalowalnej i niezawodnej infrastruktury IT.
Enforcement of strong password policies and multi-factor authentication is crucial to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.
începe să înveți
the process of making people obey a law or rule, or making a particular situation happen or be accepted:
Wdrożenie rygorystycznych zasad dotyczących haseł i uwierzytelniania wieloskładnikowego jest kluczowe, aby zapobiec nieuprawnionemu dostępowi do wrażliwych danych.
financial harm
A data breach can result in significant financial harm, including legal penalties and damage to a company's reputation.
începe să înveți
negative or adverse impact on a person's financial well-being
Wyciek danych może skutkować znaczącymi szkodami finansowymi, w tym karami prawnymi i uszkodzeniem reputacji firmy.
Revealing sensitive customer information can have severe consequences for a company, eroding trust and potentially leading to legal actions.
începe să înveți
showing something that was not previously known or seen
Ujawnienie wrażliwych informacji klientów może mieć poważne konsekwencje dla firmy, podważając zaufanie i potencjalnie prowadząc do działań prawnych.
fraudulent activity
Detecting and preventing fraudulent activity is a constant challenge in the world of online finance and e-commerce.
începe să înveți
deceptive, dishonest, or illegal actions undertaken with the intention of obtaining personal gain or causing harm to others
Wykrywanie i zapobieganie oszustwom to stałe wyzwanie w świecie finansów online i e-commerce.
The firewall blocked the suspicious incoming traffic, preventing a potential cyberattack.
începe să înveți
a firewall filters and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.
Zapora sieciowa zablokowała podejrzany ruch przychodzący, uniemożliwiając potencjalny atak cybernetyczny.
End-to-end encryption ensures that only the intended recipient can read the sensitive message.
începe să înveți
involves converting data into a code or cipher to secure it from unauthorized access.
Szyfrowanie end-to-end zapewnia, że tylko zamierzony odbiorca może odczytać wrażliwą wiadomość.
The email claiming to be from the bank was actually a phishing attempt to steal personal information.
începe să înveți
an attempt to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information by impersonating a trusted entity
Email podający się za wiadomość od banku był w rzeczywistości próbą phishingu mającą na celu kradzież danych osobowych.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Enabling 2FA adds an extra level of protection to your online accounts.
începe să înveți
an extra layer of security by requiring two forms of identification
Włączenie autoryzacji dwuetapowej dodaje dodatkowy poziom ochrony do twoich kont online.
cybersecurity policy
The company's cybersecurity policy includes regular software updates and employee training.
începe să înveți
cybersecurity policy includes rules and guidelines for protecting information systems and data
Polityka cyberbezpieczeństwa firmy obejmuje regularne aktualizacje oprogramowania i szkolenia pracowników.
zero-day vulnerability
Hackers used a zero-day vulnerability to breach the network, causing extensive damage.
începe să înveți
a security flaw exploited by cyber attackers before it's addressed
Hakerzy wykorzystali podatność zero-day, aby włamać się do sieci, powodując znaczne szkody.
penetration testing
The company hired a team of experts to conduct penetration testing and assess its network's security.
începe să înveți
involves ethical hacking to identify vulnerabilities
Firma zatrudniła zespół ekspertów do przeprowadzenia testów penetracyjnych i oceny bezpieczeństwa swojej sieci.
data privacy regulation
Compliance with data privacy regulations is essential to protect user information.
începe să înveți
regulations that govern the collection and protection of personal data
Zachowanie zgodności z przepisami dotyczącymi ochrony danych jest istotne dla ochrony informacji użytkowników.
Installing reputable antivirus software can help protect your computer from malware threats.
începe să înveți
it includes various types of malicious software designed to harm or gain unauthorized access to computer systems
Instalacja renomowanego oprogramowania antywirusowego może pomóc w ochronie twojego komputera przed zagrożeniami związanymi z oprogramowaniem złośliwym.
endpoint security
Endpoint security solutions include antivirus software and device encryption.
începe să înveți
it focuses on protecting individual devices from cybersecurity threats
Rozwiązania zabezpieczeń punktów końcowych obejmują oprogramowanie antywirusowe i szyfrowanie urządzenia.
social engineering
The attacker used social engineering to convince the employee to share their login credentials.
începe să înveți
it exploits human psychology to trick individuals into divulging confidential information
Atakujący wykorzystali inżynierię społeczną, aby przekonać pracownika do udostępnienia swoich danych logowania.

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