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感度 かんど sensitivity; reception (e.g. radio and television); severity (quake)
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経る へる to pass; to elapse; to go by; to pass through; to go through; to experience; to go through; to undergo
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応急 おうきゅう emergency; first-aid
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勧誘 かんゆう invitation; solicitation; canvassing; canvasing; inducement; persuasion; encouragement
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荷 に load; baggage; cargo; freight; goods; burden; responsibility
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加味 かみ seasoning; flavoring; flavouring; taking (something) into consideration; taking into account
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予め あらかじめ beforehand; in advance; previously
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同感 どうかん agreement; same opinion; same feeling; sympathy; concurrence
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免除 めんじょ exemption; exoneration; discharge
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割り当て わりあて allotment; assignment; allocation; quota; rationing; allocation
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結晶 けっしょう crystal; crystallization; crystallisation; fruits (of labor, union, etc.)
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耐える たえる to bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with; to support; to withstand; to resist; to brave; to be fit for; to be equal to
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露骨 ろこつ frank; blunt; plain; outspoken; conspicuous; open; broad; suggestive; lewd
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出直し でなおし adjustment; touch up
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恐らく おそらく perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say
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単調 たんちょう monotony; monotone; dullness; monotone; monotonic
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誘惑 ゆうわく temptation; allurement; lure; seduction
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造り つくり make-up; structure; physique
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根回し ねまわし making necessary arrangements; laying the groundwork; digging around the roots of a tree (before transplanting)
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円満 えんまん perfection; harmony; peace; smoothness; completeness; satisfaction; integrity
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蓄積 ちくせき accumulation; accumulate; store
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残酷 ざんこく cruelty; harshness
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推理 すいり reasoning; inference; mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.)
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式場 しきじょう ceremonial hall (e.g. wedding, funeral); hall for ceremonies; place of ceremony
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仏像 ぶつぞう statue of Buddha; image of Buddha; Buddhist statue; Buddhist image
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模索 もさく groping (for); exploring for a solution
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赴任 ふにん moving to a different location to start a new job; (proceeding to) new appointment
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合致 がっち agreement; concurrence; conformance; compliance
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体格 たいかく physique; constitution
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履歴 りれき personal history; background; career; log; record; hysteresis
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配列 はいれつ arrangement; disposition; array (programming, programing)
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富豪 ふごう wealthy person; millionaire
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偏見 へんけん prejudice; narrow view; bias
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座談会 ざだんかい symposium; round-table discussion
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増進 ぞうしん promoting; increase; advance
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交わす かわす to exchange (messages, greetings, arguments, etc.); to intersect; to cross; to interlace; ... with one another; ... to each other
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祝賀 しゅくが celebration; congratulations
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封鎖 ふうさ blockade; freezing (funds)
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断然 だんぜん firmly; absolutely; definitely; flatly; far and away; by far; by a long shot; hands down
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配偶者 はいぐうしゃ spouse; wife; husband; partner
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沿線 えんせん along railway line
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誤差 ごさ measurement error; calculation error
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何だか なんだか (a) little; somewhat; somehow
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丸ごと まるごと in its entirety; whole; wholly
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観衆 かんしゅう spectators; onlookers; members of the audience
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不景気 ふけいき business recession; hard times; depression; gloom; sullenness; cheerlessness
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暴露 ばくろ disclosure; exposure; revelation
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穂 ほ ear (of plant); head (of plant); point; tip; scion (in grafting); cion
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幹線 かんせん main line; trunk line
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濫用 らんよう abuse; misuse; misappropriation; using to excess
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奨励 しょうれい encouragement; promotion; inducement; incitement; stimulation
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全盛 ぜんせい height of prosperity
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素朴 そぼく simplicity; artlessness; naivete; pristineness; idyll
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転じる てんじる to turn; to shift; to alter; to distract
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街 がい ... street; ... quarter; ... district
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匹敵 ひってき comparing with; match; rival; equal
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慣例 かんれい custom; precedent; of convention
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領海 りょうかい territorial waters
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失格 しっかく disqualification; elimination; incapacity (legal)
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中枢 ちゅうすう centre; center; pivot; mainstay; nucleus; backbone; central figure; pillar; key man
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棄権 きけん abstaining from voting; renunciation of a right; did not start (sport); DNS; defaulting
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沢山 たくさん a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal; enough; sufficient; enough; too many; too much
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救い すくい help; aid; relief; (religious) salvation; (Christian) grace; providence
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重複 ちょうふく duplication; repetition; overlapping; redundancy; restoration
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粘り ねばり stickiness; viscosity; tenacity; persistence
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誇る ほこる to boast of; to be proud of
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途上 とじょう en route; half-way; on the road; in the street
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見合い みあい formal marriage interview; marriage meeting
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階層 かいそう class; level; stratum; layer; hierarchy
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物置き ものおき storage room; storeroom; lumber room
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先代 せんだい family predecessor; previous age; previous generation
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手掛かり てがかり clue; key; trail; scent; track; contact; handhold; on hand
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聖書 せいしょ Bible; scriptures
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土俵 どひょう arena, esp. in sumo; forum (e.g. for discussion); sandbag; gabion
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内臓 ないぞう internal organs; intestines; viscera
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使い道 つかいみち purpose; utility; objective; way to use something
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専修 せんしゅう specialization; specialisation
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慣れ なれ practice; practising; experience
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命中 めいちゅう a hit; hitting something that was aimed at
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舞う まう to dance (orig. a whirling dance); to flutter about; to revolve
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巧妙 こうみょう ingenious; skillful; clever; deft
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社宅 しゃたく company owned house
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趣 おもむき meaning; tenor; gist; effect; influence; appearance; aspect; taste; grace; charm; refinement