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Mógł wczoraj być chory. Być może wczoraj był chory. -Mógł wrócić do domu wcześniej. Być może wrócił do domu wcześniej. [np. wczoraj - przeszłość]. -Może musiał iść do domu wcześniej. Być może musiał wrócić do domu wcześniej.[np. wczoraj - przeszłość]
începe să înveți
He might have been ill yesterday. Perhaps he was ill yesterday. -He might have gone home early. Perhaps he went home early. -He might have had to go home early. Perhaps he had to go home early.
[Dlaczego on nie odpowiedział na dzwonek? -Jestem pewien, że był w domu w tym czasie. -Mógł pójść spać wcześnie. -Mógł nie usłyszeć dzwonka do drzwi. -Mógł być pod prysznicem].
începe să înveți
[Why didn't he answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was at home at this time. -He might have gone / may have gone to bed early. -He might not have / may not have heard the doorbell. -He might have been / may have been in the shower].
On mógł wczoraj pracować. Być może pracował wczoraj. -On może nie chce mnie widzieć. Być może on nie chce mnie widzieć. -On może nie pracuje dzisiaj. Być może dzisiaj nie pracuje.
începe să înveți
He might have been working yesterday. Perhaps he was working yesterday. -He might not want to see me. Perhaps he doesn't want to see me. -He might not be working today. Perhaps he isn't working today.
[On może wiedzieć /]. [To może być prawda /. (Być może to prawda)]. -[To może nie być prawda. (Być może to nieprawda). -On może już tu nie pracować. (Być może tu nie pracuje)].
începe să înveți
[He might know. -He may know]. -[It might be true. -It may be true. (perhaps it's true)]. -It may not / might not be true. (perhaps it isn't true). -He might not work here any more. (perhaps he doesn't work here)].
[Zastanawiam się, dlaczego Liz nie odebrała telefonu. -Może spała. (Być może spała.]. - [Zastanawiam się, dlaczego był w takim złym humorze wczoraj. -Może nie czuł się dobrze. (Być może nie czuł się dobrze).].
începe să înveți
[I wonder why Liz didn't answer the phone. -She may have been asleep. (perhaps she was asleep.]. -[I wonder why he was in such a bad mood yesterday. -He may not have been feeling well. (perhaps he wasn't feeling well).].
To dziwna historia, ale może być prawdziwa. / (i jeszcze dwa sposoby z may i might) -Mogłeś zostawić swoją torbę w sklepie. / (i jeszcze dwa sposoby z may have i might have)
începe să înveți
It's a strange story, but it could be true. /it might be true. /it may be true. -You could have left your bag in the shop. /You might have left your bag in the shop. /You may have left your bag in the shop.
[Gdzie jest Bob? -Może być w swoim biurze. (być może jest w swoim biurze). -Może je lunch. (być może je lunch). -Zapytaj Anie. Ona może wiedzieć. (być może ona wie).
începe să înveți
[Where's Bob? -He may be in his office. (perhaps he is in his office). -He might be having lunch. (perhaps he is having lunch). -Ask Ann. She might know. (perhaps she knows).
[Nie mogę nigdzie znaleźć mojej torby. -Mogłeś zostawić ją w sklepie. (być może zostawiłeś ją w sklepie.)]. -[Byłem zdziwiony, że Bena nie było na spotkaniu wczoraj. -On mógł o nim nie wiedzieć. (być może nie wiedział)].
începe să înveți
[I can't find my bag anywhere. -You might have left it in the shop. (perhaps you left it in the shop.)]. -[I was supprised that Ben wasn't at the meeting yesterday. -He might not have known about it. (perhaps he didn't know)].
Sam nie mógł dostać mojej wiadomości. W przeciwnym razie odpowiedziałby. (nie jest możliwe, że dostał moją wiadomość). -(Ten) Mężczyzna z którym rozmawiałeś - jesteś pewny, że on był Amerykaninem? -Nie, nie jestem pewien. On mógł nie być Amerykaninem (!)
începe să înveți
Sam couldn't have got my message. Otherwise he would have replied. (it's not possible that he got my message). -The man you spoke to - are you sure he was American? -No, I'm not sure. He might not have been American.
[Zastanawiam się, dlaczego Sam nie odpowiedział na moją wiadomość. Zakładam że mógł jej nie dostać. (być może nie dostał jej, a być może tak]. -[Myślisz, że Sam dostał wiadomość, którą mu wysłaliśmy? -Nie. Skontaktowałby się z nami. Nie mógł jej otrzymać
începe să înveți
[I wonder why Sam hasn't replied to my message. I suppose he might not have got it. (perhaps he didn't get it, and perhaps he did)]. -Do you think Sam got the message we sent him? -No. He would have contacted us. He couldn't have got it
[Byłem zaskoczony, że nie było go na spotkaniu. Być może nie wiedział o nim. -To jest możliwe. Mógł o nim nie wiedzieć.] - [Zastanawiam się, dlaczego oni nigdy nie odpowiedzieli na nasz list. Myślisz, że go dostali? -Może nie. Mogli go nie otrzymać.] (!)
începe să înveți
[I was supprised he wasn't at the meeting. Perhaps he didn't know about it. -That's possible. He might not have known about it.] -[I wonder why they never replied to our letter. Do you think they received it? -Maybe not. They might not have received it.]
[Zastanawiam się, jak pożar się zaczął. Czy to był wypadek? -Nie, policja twierdzi, że to nie mógł być wypadek]. -[On mówi, że musi Cię zobaczyć. Próbował znaleźć Cię wczoraj. -Cóż, nie bardzo się postarał. Byłem w moim biurze cały dzień. (TYLKO TAK!!!)
începe să înveți
[I wonder how the fire started. Was it an accident? -No, the police say it couldn't have been an accident]. -[He says he needs to see you. He tried to find you yesterday. -Well, he couldn't have tried very hard. I was in my office all day.
[Gdzie jest Sam? -Nie jestem pewny. Może zjeść obiad]. - [Kim jest ten mężczyzna z Sue? -Nie jestem pewny. To może być jej brat]. - [Kim był mężczyzna, którego wczoraj widzieliśmy z Anną? -Nie jestem pewny. To mógł być jej brat].
începe să înveți
[Where's Sam? -I'm not sure. He might be having lunch]. -[Who is that man with Sue? -I'm not sure. It might be her brother]. -[Who was the man we saw with Anna yesterday? -I'm not sure. It may have been her brother].
[Czy masz znaczek? -Nie, ale zapytaj Bena. Może mieć jakiś]. -[Co robią ci ludzie na poboczu drogi? -Nie wiem. Mogą czekać na autobus]. /Może czekają na autobus.]
începe să înveți
[Do you have a stamp? -No, but ask Ben. He may have one]. -[What are those people doing by the side of the road? -I don't know. They might be waiting for a bus].
[Nie mogę nigdzie znaleźć Liz. Zastanawiam się, gdzie ona jest. -Może poszła na zakupy / Może gra w tenisa]. -[Szukam Liz. Czy wiesz gdzie ona jest? -Może oglądać telewizor w swoim pokoju /. -Może wyszła.
începe să înveți
[I can't find Liz anywhere. I wonder where she is. -She might have gone shopping / She might be playing tennis]. -[I'm looking for Liz. Do you know where she is? -She might / may be wathing TV in her room. -She might / may have gone out.
[Nie mogę znaleźć parasola. Widziałeś go? -Może być w samochodzie. -Mogłeś zostawić go w restauracji zeszłej nocy].
începe să înveți
[I can't find my umbrella. Have you seen it? -It might be / may be in the car. -You might have left it / may have left it in the restaurant last night].
On może jest w swoim biurze. Być może jest w swoim biurze. -On może być zajęty. Być może jest zajęty. -On może pracować. Być może on pracuje. -On może chcieć być sam. Być może chce być sam.
începe să înveți
He might be in his office. Perhaps he's in his office. -He might be busy. Perhaps he is busy. -He might be working. Perhaps he is working. -He might want to be alone. Perhaps he wants to be alone.
Może wczoraj nie czuł się dobrze. Być może wczoraj nie czuł się dobrze.
începe să înveți
He mightn't have been feeling well yesterday. Perhaps he wasn't feeling well yesterday.

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