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He had just had a row with his wife. începe să înveți
Właśnie miał awanturę z żoną.
The firm is involved in a legal dispute with a rival company. începe să înveți
Firma jest zaangażowana w spór prawny z konkurencyjną firmą.
The court was set up to mediate in civil disputes. începe să înveți
Sąd został powołany do mediacji w sporach cywilnych.
The obvious tension between Warren and Anne made everyone else uncomfortable. începe să înveți
Oczywiste napięcie między Warrenem i Anne sprawiało, że wszyscy pozostali czuli się niekomfortowo.
I invited Yorgos to go for a coffee after work, in an attempt to clear the air between us, but he refused. începe să înveți
oczyść atmosferę (wyjaśnić) Zaprosiłem Yorgosa na kawę po pracy, próbując oczyścić atmosferę między nami, ale odmówił.
He was not on speaking terms with his brother or sisters. începe să înveți
Nie miał warunków mówienia ze swoim bratem i siostrą.
Have you made up with Maddy yet? It’s been two weeks since you had that row. începe să înveți
Pogodziłeś się już z Maddy? Od tej awantury minęły dwa tygodnie.
Frank sided with David against their mother. începe să înveți
stanąć po czyjejś stronie Frank stanął po stronie Davida przeciwko ich matce.
The fighting on the border is escalating. începe să înveți
zwiększać zaostrzać eskalować Zaostrzają się walki na granicy.
He is having an ongoing dispute with the company about his contract. începe să înveți
Trwa spór z firmą o jego kontrakt.
They almost came to blows over the money. începe să înveți
Prawie doszło do bójki o pieniądze.
I always seem to be quarrelling with my parents. începe să înveți
Zawsze wydaje mi się, że kłócę się z rodzicami.
Bernard’s wife kicked him out. începe să înveți
wykopać kogoś, wyrzucić kogoś Żona Bernarda go wyrzuciła.
The employers will have to be willing to compromise if they want to avoid a strike. începe să înveți
Pracodawcy będą musieli pójść na kompromis, jeśli chcą uniknąć strajku.