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începe să înveți
The couple, who had just endowed a gallery at the Met, did not tell the press.
Ta zbrodnia była krwawa. Ofiara była torturowana începe să înveți
This crime was vicious. The victim was tortured
Jako matka trojga dzieci, ona wie sporo o wychowaniu începe să înveți
As a mother of three, she knows a lot about breeding
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He hesitated for a moment
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Jego życie było w niebezpieczeństwie, więc musiałam działać începe să înveți
His life was in jeopardy, so I had to act
Ocena stanu tego domu została dokonana przez biuro nieruchomości începe să înveți
The evaluation of this house condition was done by an estate agency.
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On wyraził swoje rozbawienie naszym przedstawieniem începe să înveți
He expressed his amusement at our show
Ta historia oscyluje wokół życia nauczyciela i jego ucznia. începe să înveți
The story revolves around the lives of the teacher and student.
wybawca nadszedł, ale musieliśmy czekać na niego bardzo długo începe să înveți
And the Savior did come, but we had to wait a long time.
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Jeśli lekarz jest niesumienny, powinien ponosić odpowiedzialność începe să înveți
When a doctor has been negligent, he should be held responsible
Walka była zajadła i trwała aż do zachodu słońca începe să înveți
The fight was ferocious, and continued until the sun set.
Wulkan pozostawał w spoczynku przez 87 lat, jednak teraz znów jest aktywny începe să înveți
Volcano remained dormant for 87 years, but now it is active again!