WORD BUILDING (verbs-nouns) începe să înveți
BUDOWANIE SŁÓW (czasowniki-rzeczowniki)
The company made a loss of two million pounds last year. începe să înveți
W zeszłym roku firma zanotowała stratę w wysokości dwóch milionów funtów.
The service was very slow, so we didn't leave a tip. începe să înveți
Obsługa była bardzo powolna, więc nie zostawiliśmy napiwku.
Selina gets special treatment because she's the boss niece. începe să înveți
Selina jest traktowana w specjalny sposób, ponieważ jest siostrzenicą szefa.
We couldn't get an agreement with the boss about salaries. începe să înveți
Nie udało nam się dojść do porozumienia z szefem w sprawie wynagrodzeń.
My exam marks this term are a big improvement on last term. începe să înveți
Oceny z mojego egzaminu w tym semestrze stanowią dużą poprawę w porównaniu z zeszłym semestrem.
They've had an argument, and they aren't talking to each other. începe să înveți
Pokłócili się i nie rozmawiają ze sobą.
They had to get a valuation of their house before they could sell it. începe să înveți
Musieli sporządzić wycenę swojego domu, zanim będą mogli go sprzedać.
His greatest achievement was winning an Olympic gold medal. începe să înveți
Jego największym osiągnięciem było zdobycie złotego medalu olimpijskiego.
It's a difficult choice to make between my best friend's wedding or my sister's birthday party. începe să înveți
To trudny wybór pomiędzy ślubem mojej najlepszej przyjaciółki a przyjęciem urodzinowym mojej siostry.
The restaurant had to close as the result of bad management. începe să înveți
Restauracja musiała zostać zamknięta w wyniku złego zarządzania.
There's a demonstration today against the closure of the hospital. începe să înveți
Dziś odbędzie się demonstracja przeciwko zamknięciu szpitala.
The sale of alcohol is often prohibited at sports matches. începe să înveți
Sprzedaż alkoholu jest często zabroniona na meczach sportowych.
After careful consideration, we've decided to close the company. începe să înveți
Po dokładnym rozważeniu zdecydowaliśmy się zamknąć firmę.
My attempt to run a marathon ended in failure when I fell and broke my leg after the first kilometer. începe să înveți
Moja próba przebiegnięcia maratonu zakończyła się niepowodzeniem, gdy już na pierwszym kilometrze upadłem i złamałem nogę.
I had to resist the temptation to have another cake- they were delicious. începe să înveți
Musiałam oprzeć się pokusie zjedzenia kolejnego ciasta – były pyszne.
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începe să înveți
traktowąć, poczęstunek, smakołyk
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uzyskać specjalne traktowanie
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începe să înveți
moje testy egzaminacyjne w tym semestrze są duże
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wynikiem złego zarządzania
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I have to resist the temptaion începe să înveți