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Czy mógłbyś wziąć to pudełko, bo przeszkadza? [np. pudełko leży na biurku]. începe să înveți
Could you please take this box because it's getting in the way? /because it's in the way? /because it's in my way?
Muszę cofnąć zegar / przestawić zegar do tyłu. Spieszy się o 10 minut. -Muszę przestawić zegarek do przodu. Spóźnia się o 30 sekund. -Czasami mam trudności / problemy z zaśnięciem. -Bardzo mi przykro, ale nie ma tu z czego wybierać. începe să înveți
[I need to put the clock back. It is 10 minutes fast. -I need to put the watch forward. It is 30 seconds slow]. -Sometimes I have got difficulty falling asleep. -I'm really sorry, but there's nothing to choose from here.
Zanim wyjdziesz z toalety, pamiętaj, aby opuścić deskę sedesową. -Zanim zaczniesz sikać, pamiętaj, że zawsze musisz podnieść deskę sedesową. -Mike Tyson jest bankrutem, ale mówi, że po walce przekaże wszystkie pieniądze na cele charytatywne. începe să înveți
Before you walk out of the toilet, remember to put the toilet seat down. -Before you start pissing, remember you must always lift the toilet seat up. -Mike Tyson is a bankrupt, but he says that after the fight he will give all the money to charity.
Mogłem to wziąć. Czy zajrzałeś do mojej torby? -Kurczę! Powinienem był wziąść parasol. -Żałuję, że nie wziąłem parasolki. -Czy mógłbyś otworzyć / zamknąć parasol? -Czy mógłbyś otworzyć parasol? Odrobina cienia dobrze nam zrobi. începe să înveți
I could have taken it. Have you looked in my bag? -Blimey! I should have brought my umbrella. -I wish I had brought my umbrella. -Could you please open / close the umbrella? -Could you please open the umbrella? A little bit of shade will do us good.
Czy te gruszki / Czy one są gotowe do zerwania? -Czy one są wystarczająco dojrzałe, aby je zerwać? / Czy one są już dojrzałe? -Nie, one nie są jeszcze dojrzałe. / Sorry, one wciąż są niedojrzałe. începe să înveți
Are these pears / Are they ready to pick? -Are they ripe enough to pick? / Are they ripe yet? -No, they aren't ripe yet. / Sorry, they are still unripe.
Ile to kosztuje? -To kosztuje 2$. -Ile to kosztowało? -To kosztowało 2$. -Ile kosztował ten rower? -Zapytaj go ile kosztował ten rower. Ten rower kosztował 100$. începe să înveți
How much is it? /How much does it cost? -It is 2$. /It costs 2$. -How much was it? /How much did it cost? -It was 2$. -It cost 2$. -How much was that bike? -How much did that bike cost? -Ask him how much that bike was. /Ask him how much that bike cost.
Powinieneś / Musisz iść. -Masz / Musisz posprzątać całe mieszkanie! -Posłuchajmy co On ma do powiedzenia. începe să înveți
You are supposed to go. /You have to go. /You're to go. -You are supposed to clean the whole flat! /You have to clean the whole flat! /You're to clean the whole flat. -Let's listen to what he has to say. /Let's hear what he has to say.
Jak się masz? /Jak leci? -Zwolnię, żeby go nie przejechać, byłoby źle, gdybym go przejechał. începe să înveți
How are you? /How are you doing? /How is it going? -I'm gonna slow down so I don't run him over, that would be bad if I ran him over.
Czy mogę je zwrócić, jeśli będą za małe? / -Czy będę w stanie je zwrócić, jeśli będą za małe? [jak trzymam je w rękach, albo je pokazuje]. -Czy mógłbym w stanie je zwrócić jeśli będą za małe? -Nowy telewizor się zepsuł, więc oni zwrócili go do sklepu. începe să înveți
Can I return them if they are too small? /Can I return these if they are too small? / Will I be able to return them / these if they are too small? -Would I be able to bring them back if they're too small? -The new TV broke so they returned it to the shop.
To nie są Twoje pieniądze i musisz je zwrócić. -Czy ona oddała Ci już te książki? -Ona oddała pierścionek swojemu chłopakowi, ponieważ już go nie kochała. -Oczywiście, możesz spojrzeć się na to, pod warunkiem, że to oddasz /o ile/ jesli tylko to oddasz. începe să înveți
This isn't your money and you must give it back. -Has she given you those books back yet? -She gave back the ring to her boyfriend because she didn't love him anymore. -Of course you can have a look at it, as long as you give it back.
-Czy mogę również pożyczać czasopisma i gazety? --Nie możesz pożyczać gazet, ale możesz pożyczać czasopisma, z wyjątkiem najnowszego numeru. -Czy mogę zwrócić je pocztą? --Nie przyjmujemy zwrotów pocztą. Proszę przyjść do biblioteki, żeby je zwrócić. începe să înveți
Can I also borrow magazines or newspapers? --You can't borrow newspapers but you can borrow magazines except for the latest issue. -Can I return them through the mail? --We can't accept returns through the mail. Please come to the library to return them.