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ciężki, trudny - physically or mentally difficult: not easy He trains very __ - at least three hours a day. începe să înveți
He trains very hard - at least three hours a day.
almost not at all, barely (negative) It's incredibly foggy. I can __ see anything. începe să înveți
It's incredibly foggy. I can hardly see anything.
późny - existing or happening near the end of a period of time I hate it when people arrive __ for meetings. începe să înveți
I hate it when people arrive late for meetings.
in the recent period of time - ostatnio ostatnioI haven't heard from Mike __. He must be very busy. începe să înveți
I haven't heard from Mike lately. He must be very busy.
__ of a film I always stay and watch the credits tools. începe să înveți
At the end of a film I always stay and watch the credits tools.
I didn't want to go, but __ they persuaded me. începe să înveți
I didn't want to go, but in the end they persuaded me.
__ we would go to Australia if we could afford it. începe să înveți
Ideally we would go to Australia if we could afford it.
the truth is; actually (used to emphasize something, especially the opposite of what was previously said) I thought the job was going to be difficult, but __ it's quite easy. începe să înveți
I thought the job was going to be difficult, but in fact it's quite easy.
in the most important ways - zasadniczo __ it's quite a simple idea. începe să înveți
Basically it's quite a simple idea.
clearly - used to give information you expect other people to know or agree with She's only 14, so __ she can't stay at home on her own. începe să înveți
She's only 14, so obviously she can't stay at home on her own.
She's been ill for weeks, but __ she's beginning to feel better. începe să înveți
She's been ill for weeks, but gradually she's beginning to feel better.
according to what you have heard or read - podobno, najwyraźniej I thought the'd broken up, but __ they're back together again începe să înveți
I thought the'd broken up, but apparently they're back together again
in any case - used to change or finish the conversation ... so you can see it was a really awful weekend. __, let's forget about it and talk about something else. începe să înveți
... so you can see it was a really awful weekend. Anyway, let's forget about it and talk about something else.
in the end, after a series of events or difficulties It took us over 5 hours to get there, but __ we were able to relax. începe să înveți
It took us over 5 hours to get there, but eventually we were able to relax.
more than usually - used to indicate something that deserves special mention I love most kind of music, but __ jazz. începe să înveți
I love most kind of music, but especially jazz.
for a special purpose or in a special manner My wedding dress was __ made for me by a dressmaker. începe să înveți
My wedding dress was specially made for me by a dressmaker.
used to refer to what is true or real - in fact She looks younger than me, but __ she's two years old. începe să înveți
She looks younger than me, but actually she's two years old.
__ they're renting a flat, but they're hoping to buy one soon. începe să înveți
At the moment they're renting a flat, but they're hoping to buy one soon.
I've __ finished my book. I'm on the last chapter. începe să înveți
I've nearly finished my book. I'm on the last chapter.
Excuse me, is there a bank __ here? începe să înveți
Excuse me, is there a bank near here?
I've been all over the USA - I've __ been to Alaska începe să înveți
I've been all over the USA - I've even been to Alaska