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Kiedy kupowałem bilet, ktoś ukradł mi portfel începe să înveți
When I was buying a ticket, someone stole my wallet
Kiedy spacerowałem z psem, zobaczylem Annę începe să înveți
When I was walking with my dog, I saw Anna
Jadłem obiad, podczas gdy Henry mył okna începe să înveți
I was eating a dinner, when Henry was cleaning the windows
Kiedy wrócilam do domu, mój mąż spał începe să înveți
When I come back home, my husband was sleeping
Kiedy czytalam gazetę, zgasło światlo începe să înveți
When I was reading a newspaper, the light went out
Myła włosy, gdy wybuchł pożar începe să înveți
She was brushing her hair when the fire broke out
Robiłam kolację, podczas gdy oni grali w piłkę începe să înveți
I was making dinner while they were playing football
Znalazłam pamiętnik taty, kiedy sprzątałem szufladę începe să înveți
I found my father's diary when I was cleaning the drawer
Wczoraj cały dzień grałem w szachy începe să înveți
Yesterday all day I played chess
Gdzie byłeś, kiedy wszyscy tańczyli începe să înveți
Where were you when everyone was dancing
Kiedy weszłem do pokoju, Stephen grał na gitarze începe să înveți
When I entered the/a room, Stephen was playing a/the guitar
Padał śnieg, kiedy przyszedł św. Milołaj începe să înveți
It was snowing when Santa Claud came
Przechodziłem przez ulicę, kiedy przewróciłem się złamałem nogę începe să înveți
I was going though the street when I fell over and broke my leg
Co robiła Sylwia, kiedy pukałam do drzwi? începe să înveți
What was Sylvia doing when I knocked/was knocking on the door?
jedliśmy obiad, kiedy przyjechał wujek Jerry începe să înveți
we were eating dinner when uncle Jerry came
Kiedy zaparkowałam samochód, przydzedł policjant i dał mi mamdat începe să înveți
When I parked the/a car, a policeman came and gave me my mamdat
On nie odrabiał lekcji, kiedy go widziałM începe să înveți
He wasn't doing his homework when I saw him
Sąsiedzi spali, kiedy on ją mordował începe să înveți
The neighbors were sleeping when he murdered her
Wczoraj od 7 do 9 robiłam zakupy începe să înveți
Yesterday from 7 to 9 I was doing shopping
Wczoraj o tej porze padał śnieg începe să înveți
It was snowing yesterday at this time
Brałam prysznic, kiedy włamali się złodzieje începe să înveți
I was showering when thieves broke in
Oglądałem film, kiedy oni przyszli începe să înveți
I was watching a/the movie when they came
Kiedy leżałam w łóżku, miałam okropny ból głowy începe să înveți
When I was lying in bed, I had a terrible headache
Kiedy byliście w kinie, ja pilnowałam dziecka începe să înveți
When you were in the cinema, I stayed witch kid/child
Kiedy przybyłam na przyjęcie, Chris rozmawiał z Frances, a Timothy puszczał stare przeboje începe să înveți
When I come at the party, Chris was talking with Frances and Timothy was playing/played old hits
Goście przybyli, kiedy malowałam sufit începe să înveți
guests came when I was painting the ceiling
Wczoraj o 10 grałem w tenisa începe să înveți
I played tennis yesterday at 10
Kiedy wbiegałem na peron, pociąg właśnie odjeżdzał începe să înveți
When I ran to the platform, the train was just leaving
Z kim rozmawiałaś przez telefon między 7 a 8? începe să înveți
Who did you talk to on the phone between 7 and 8?///Who were you talking to on the phone between 7 and 8?
Co zrobiłaś, kiedy ci o tym powiedział începe să înveți
What did you do when he told you about that/it?
Dlaczego płakała, kiedy z nią rozmawiałeś începe să înveți
Why was she crying when you talked with her
Co robiliście całe popołudnie? începe să înveți
What were you doing all afternoon?
Całą noc pisałam wypracowanie începe să înveți
I was writing the/a essay all night
Czy zwiedziłeś dużo zabytków, kiedy byłaś w Rzymie? începe să înveți
Did you visit a lot of/many monuments when you were in Rome?
Co się stało, kiedy szłaś do szkoły? începe să înveți
What happened when you went to school?
Czego słuchałeś, kiedy weszłam do twojego pokoju? începe să înveți
What did you hear// What were you hearing when I come to your room?
începe să înveți
Who did you say about that?
Rozmawiałem właśnie przez telefon kiedy mi powiedziałeś începe să înveți
I was just talking by the phone when you interupted me
Co chciałeś powieszieć, kiedy zadzwonił dzwonek? începe să înveți
What did you want to say when the bell rang?
Na co patrzyli ci ludzie wczoraj o 10 wieczorem? începe să înveți
What those people were looking at 10 o'clock yesterday?
Nie odrobiliśmy lekcji. bo nie mieliśmy czasu începe să înveți
We didn't do our homework. because we didn't have time
Wczoraj o tej porze oglądaliśmy film începe să înveți
We was watching the movie at this time yesterday
Dlaczego nie zjadłeś warzyw? începe să înveți
Why didn't you eat vegetables?
Myślałam o tobie, kiedy zadzwoniłeś începe să înveți
I was thinking about you when you called
Kidy byłam w Londynie, poznałam wiele interesujących ludzi începe să înveți
When I was in London, I met many interesting people