6 Either, Neither

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Întrebare Răspuns
Nie mówię po francusku ani po niemiecku /. -Nie pojedziemy ani do Francji, ani do Niemiec /. -Nie lubię żadnego z nich /. [tylko spośród 2 rzeczy]
începe să înveți
[I don't speak either French or German. -I speak neither French nor German]. -[We won't go either to France or to Germany. -We will go neither to France nor to Germany]. -[I don't like either of them. -I like neither of them].
Możemy pojechać do Mali lub do Włoch. -Możesz napić się herbaty lub kawy. - [Którą restaurację wolisz? Włoską czy chińską? -Każda restauracja będzie ok, jako że obie serwują świetne jedzenie]. -[Który kolor chcesz? -Którykolwiek/Byle który. Oba są ładne]
începe să înveți
We might go either to Mali or to Italy. -You can have either tea or coffee. -[Which restaurant do you prefer? Italian or Chinese? -Either restaurant will be ok, as both serve great food]. -[Which colour do you want? -Either. They are both nice].
Ani on, ani jego brat nie lubi jeździć na nartach. -Ten laptop nie jest ani szybki, ani wydajny. - [Czy masz ochotę napić się herbaty lub kawy? -Ani to ani to, dzięki].
începe să înveți
Neither he nor his brother likes skiing. -This laptop is neither fast nor efficient. -[Would you like tea or coffee? -Neither, thanks].
Żaden z nich nie jest nauczycielem. [z dwóch]. -Żaden z nich nie jest nauczycielem. [z trzech lub wiecej]. -Żaden z pokoi nie był wolny. [z 2 ]. [z 3 lub wiecej].
începe să înveți
Neither of them is a teacher. -None of them is a teacher. -Neither of the rooms was free. -None of the rooms was free.
Czy ktoś z Was może mi pomóc? [2 osoby]. [3 os. lub więcej]. -Były sklepy po kazdej stronie ulicy /. Były sklepy po obu stronach ulicy. -On trzymał broń w każdej dłoni. /w obu dloniach.
începe să înveți
Can either of you help me? -Can anyone help me? -There were shops on either side of the street. /There were shops on each side of the street. /There were shops on both sides of the street. -He was holding a gun in either hand /in each hand /in both hands.

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