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Skupmy się na zadaniu i pracujmy nad jego efektywnym wykonaniem începe să înveți
Let's focus on the task at hand and work towards completing it efficiently.
Postanowił się wyrwać i spędzić dzień na plaży, zamiast chodzić na zajęcia începe să înveți
He decided to bunk off and spend the day at the beach instead of attending his classes.
Domy na starym mieście są zbudowane bardzo blisko siebie, co sprawia, że ulice są bardzo wąskie începe să înveți
The houses in the old town are built cheek by jowl, making the streets very narrow
wykonywac najgorsze prace Nie mam nic przeciwko wykonywaniu psiej roboty, o ile pomaga to drużynie începe să înveți
I don't mind doing the dogsbody work as long as it helps the team
zajmowac sie malo waznymi rzeczami Przestań się wygłupiać i skup się na pracy. începe să înveți
Stop faffing around and focus on your work.
To może być dość irytujące, gdy ktoś przypisuje sobie twoje pomysły. începe să înveți
It can be quite galling when someone takes credit for your ideas.
Złożyłem podanie o pracę, ale niestety zostałem odrzucony. începe să înveți
I applied for the job, but unfortunately, I got knocked back.
Nie mogę się doczekać, aby wziąć się za ten nowy projekt i zrobić prawdziwą różnicę. începe să înveți
I can't wait to get my teeth into this new project and make a real difference.
Dajmy mu jeszcze tydzień i zobaczmy, czy jest jakaś poprawa. începe să înveți
Let's give it another week and see if there's any improvement.
mieć wątpliwości, wahac sie Nie mam żadnych skrupułów, by odezwać się, jeśli coś wydaje mi się nie w porządku. începe să înveți
I have no qualms about speaking up if something doesn't seem right.
Duże obciążenie pracą może być wyzwaniem, ale przy dobrym zarządzaniu czasem można sobie z nim poradzić. începe să înveți
Heavy workloads can be challenging, but with good time management, they can be manageable.
Zaraz po ukończeniu studiów dostała prestiżową pracę w prestiżowej firmie. începe să înveți
She landed a high-powered job at a prestigious company right after graduation.
spotykac sie, naradzac sie Drużyna zebrała się, aby omówić strategię na nadchodzący mecz. începe să înveți
The team gathered in a huddle to discuss their strategy for the upcoming game.
dac komus swobode w czyms Nie mogę się doczekać, aż moi uczniowie będą mogli pracować nad nowym projektem i zobaczyć, jak błyszczy ich kreatywność. începe să înveți
I can't wait to let my students loose on the new project and see their creativity shine.
Sprostanie wymaganiom napiętego harmonogramu może być trudne, ale przy odpowiednim planowaniu jest to możliwe. începe să înveți
It can be tough to meet the demands of a busy schedule, but with proper planning, it is possible.
Podczas okresu próbnego nowi pracownicy są oceniani pod kątem tego, czy dobrze pasują do firmy. începe să înveți
During the probationary period, new employees are evaluated to determine if they are a good fit for the company.
przedkładać pracę nad własne ego Ważne jest, aby przedkładać pracę nad własne ego w celu efektywnej pracy w zespole. începe să înveți
put the job before one’s ego It's important to put the job before one's ego in order to work effectively as part of a team
Duszna atmosfera w biurze utrudniała pracownikom kreatywność i produktywność. începe să înveți
The stifling atmosphere in the office made it difficult for employees to be creative and productive.
stymulujący / pobudzający Stymulująca dyskusja na dzisiejszych zajęciach naprawdę zaangażowała uczniów i podekscytowała ich tematem începe să înveți
The stimulating discussion in class today really got the students engaged and excited about the topic.
Musimy usprawnić zadania, aby nasz przepływ pracy był bardziej wydajny i produktywny. începe să înveți
We need to streamline tasks to make our workflow more efficient and productive.
zastanowic sie, podsumowac sytuavje Ważne jest, aby regularnie podsumowywać swoje postępy, aby zobaczyć, jak sobie radzisz i jakie korekty mogą być potrzebne începe să înveți
It's important to take stock of your progress regularly to see how you are doing and what adjustments may be needed
Radzenie sobie z niepewnością może być wyzwaniem, ale ważne jest, aby pozostać elastycznym i dostosowywać się do nadchodzących zmian. începe să înveți
Dealing with uncertainties can be challenging, but it's important to stay flexible and adapt to changes as they come.
Zawsze cieszę się, gdy moi uczniowie odnoszą sukcesy i osiągają swoje cele. începe să înveți
I always get a buzz from seeing my students succeed and achieve their goals.