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Cells are tiny, basic building blocks from which all living creatures are made up. the smallest unit of living matter
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In many countries, there has been a worrying increase in the number of adolescents taking drugs. a young person who is between being a child and an adult
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Without any warning, the building collapsed killing more than 300 people inside.
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In times of unemployment, friction can arise between people who have jobs and those who do not.
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Commodity markets allow traders to buy and sell raw materials such as cotton, steel and sugar. a place where you can buy or sell product; a product that you can buy or sell
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In order to become more powerful, trade unions usually affiliate to a national union organisation. to link a group or an organization with another larger one
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Individuals who have become very rich through business usually also have a lot of political muscle and can therefore infulence political decisions. the power or ability to control/influence others
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Sugar and sal dissolve easily in water.
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At the public enquiry, the Managing Director repudiated all suggestions that the company had tried to avoid responsibility for the accident.
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He was more than a national hero; in fact, most people looked up to him almost as a saint.
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As a result of the revolution of 1917, the royal family and the aristocracy in Russia were overthrown and a communist government was installed. nobility, people born in the highest social class
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Many political scientists argue that it is impossible to have a truly modern economy without democracy and a more open society. system of government in which people elect their leaders
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In the USA, citizens can invoke the right to silence if they do not want to answer a question in court. to use a law, rule, etc., as a reason for doing something
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without economy activity or jobs for people
zdenerwowany, zestresowany începe să înveți
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a smell, often unpleasant
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deny, say something is not true
sprzeciwiać się, zaprzeczać începe să înveți
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the way something feels when touched
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being certain that your beliefs are right
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a person that someone owes money to
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to discuss with other people before making a decision
polityka (zasady działania) începe să înveți
a plan of action chosen by political party
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move from one part of the word to another according to the season
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the particular arrangement of a group of related things
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safety part in electrical devices to prevent fire
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make something become healthy/strong again
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the study of relationships between people
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a short description of something without many details
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to exist at a particular time
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country's forces that fights wars at sea
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odroczyć, odłożyć (w czasie) începe să înveți
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corporate, organisational
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fraction, small proportion
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peasant, agricultural worker
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the money that is needed to support a business
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to change a system, a law to improve it
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one of the seven main areas of land on the Earth
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a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animals
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the scientific study of the space
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not supporting any side in any argument
składniki pokarmowy, odżywczy începe să înveți
a substance which gives nourishment
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to do, carry out business
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a plan that lists all the work
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something become worse especially in quality
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on nie przyznał się do winy începe să înveți
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rywalizacja między rodzeństwem începe să înveți
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uwarunkowany, uzależniony od începe să înveți