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przerwa w obradach
începe să înveți
adjourn - odraczać
The judge granted the request for an adjournment.
rozstrzygać/ orzekać
începe să înveți
adjudication, adjudicator - sędzia
He was asked to adjudicate on the dispute.
wyregulować (maszynę, sprzęt), poprawiać (ubranie)
începe să înveți
She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath, and walked into the room. I went to adjust the television set.
începe să înveți
advice note / letter of advice
odradzać komuś coś/zrobienie czegoś
începe să înveți
to advise sb against sth/doing sth
I would strongly advise you against it.
pod egidą
pod egidą, pod auspicjami (w ramach większej, zorganizowanej grupy ludzi)
începe să înveți
under the aegis of
The project was set up under the aegis of the university.
wieki temu
începe să înveți
aeons ago / eons ago
przyjazny, uprzejmy, grzeczny
începe să înveți
He struck me as an affable sort of a man. She was quite affable at the meeting.
udawać / wpłynąć
Ona udawała chorobę, aby uniknąć szkoły. Nie udawaj bólu, znam cię za dobrze
începe să înveți
formal - act, pretend, pose, fake
She affected a disease to avoid school. Don't affect pain, I know you too well
sztuczność, udawanie, symulowanie
începe să înveți
affected - sztuczny
She has so many little affectations. His manner reeks of affectation. "It doesn't concern me," he said with an affectation of nonchalance.
uczucie zrozumienia i uznania dla kogoś lub czegoś / pokrewieństwo, powinowactwo
Ona pokazała wysoki poziom zrozumienia dla ubogich. Jestem w stanie wyczytać twoje pokrewieństwo z nim z twojej twarzy.
începe să înveți
She displayed a great level of affinity towards the poor. I can read your affinity to him from your face
naklejać, przymocować/ przyłączyć albo afiks (litery dołączane na początku lub końcu jakiegoś słowa; prefiks lub sufiks)
începe să înveți
She affixed a stamp to the envelope.
coś się święci
începe să înveți
there is something afoot
puszczać coś w ruch
începe să înveți
set afloat
începe să înveți
insulted, offended
I was most affronted by his comments. an affronted look/glance
burda, awantura (w miejscu publicznym)
începe să înveți
fight, riot, battle
Wallace was charged with causing an affray at a Southampton nightclub.
începe să înveți
formal - hardship, suffering, misery
Heartbreak and smoking and is a major cause of cancer and other afflictions.
dobrobyt, dostatek, obfitość, zasobność
începe să înveți
formal - wealth, prosperity
This period saw the increase of real wages and affluence in British society. the affluent Côte d'Azur. Affluent families
pozwolić sobie / oferować (coś), dostarczać (czegoś), zapewniać (coś)
Ona dostarcza ciasto i mleko do naszego domu. Podróż dookoła świata dostarczyła mi niezapomnianych przeżyć
începe să înveți
She affords cake and milk to our house. The round-the-world trip afforded me unforgettable experiences.
începe să înveți
You're in a very advantageous position.
începe să înveți
Beginnings and starts
Life was transformed by the advent of the steam engine and IT technology.
începe să înveți
A certain amount of caution is advisable at this point.
dobrze/źle byś zrobił, gdybyś pojechał
începe să înveți
you would be well/ill advised to do something
You would be well advised to stay in bed and rest.
începe să înveți
It is an illness that afflicts women more than men. A country afflicted by civil war. Dementia to afflict 1 in 3 people born in 2015, new research suggests.
na nowo
începe să înveți
afresh, anew
I tore up the letter and started afresh.
na co/kogo polujesz?
începe să înveți
what/who are you after?
mimo wszystko, w końcu, ostatecznie
Pomimo wszystko, nie było tak źle. Chile jest, mimo wszystko, ciekawym krajem do zwiedzenia
începe să înveți
after all
It wasn't so bad, after all. Chile is, after all, an interesting country to visit. But I'm only human after all, I'm only human after all Don't put your blame on me
następstwa, skutki
începe să înveți
Headaches are an aftereffect of this sort of accident.
następstwo, wynik (np. wojny, klęski żywiołowej)
Widzę ludzi próbujących otrząsnąć się z następstw okrucieństw wojny domowej
începe să înveți
I see people struggling to emerge from the aftermath of the civil war atrocities.
deser, poprawiny
Co na deser, tato? Dajecie jakiś prezent na poprawinach?
începe să înveți
What's for afters, Dad? Do you give a gift for the afters of a wedding?
po namyśle
on balance
Wtedy, po namyśle, on dodał "Pójdę z tobą". nasunęła mi się refleksja
începe să înveți
as an afterthought
Then, as an afterthought, he added "I'll go with you." I had an afterthought
niekiedy / od czasu do czasu
co chwila, od czasu do czasu, co jakiś czas
începe să înveți
every now and again
also every so often) sometimes, but not often or regularly
I still see her every now and then.
wielokrotnie, ciągle
începe să înveți
again and again, time and again
Time and again, I have seen a very good opportunity follow right on...
na niebieskim tle
începe să înveți
against a blue background
The bicycle was standing against a blue blackground
osiągnąć pełnoletność
Kiedy Zara osiągnęła pełnoletność jej kariera nagle wystartowała
începe să înveți
come of age
When Zara came of age, her career suddenly launched
w podeszłym wieku
începe să înveți
the aged
Homes for the ages are sometimes happy place because it provides help for the aged and the sick.
ponadczasowa, wiecznie młody (niestarzejący się)
începe să înveți
She is beautiful and, at 43, somehow ageless.
czynnik (chemiczny), odczynnik
Nauczycielka poprosiła mnie, o wymienienie pięciu odczynników. Wymień cztery czynniki, które przyczyniły się do rozpoczęcia tej bitwy
începe să înveți
The teacher asked me to list five agents. Name four agents which contributed to the start of the battle
1. pogarszać (np. sytuację), utrudniać (zrobienie czegoś) 2. zdenerwować, rozdrażnić, zirytować
denerwujący, zdenerwowanie
începe să înveți
aggravating, aggravation
disturbed, wronged
începe să înveți
aggrieved party = strona poszkodowana
He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team. One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn't received the book he had ordered several weeks ago.
przerażony, osłupiały (np. na widok czegoś)
începe să înveți
written english / terrified
He looked at her aghast.
1. potrząsnąć, wstrząsnąć, mieszać (jakiś płyn)
începe să înveți
Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.
începe să înveți
formal - touch
I didn't want to agitate her by telling her what has happened with her children. I must warn you that any mention of Clare agitates your grandmother.
już w roku 1960
Rada Europejska uznała je już w roku 1985.
începe să înveți
as long ago as 1960
The European Council did so as long ago as 1985.
przejęty, podniecony
începe să înveți
Excited, interested and enthusiastic
I’ve been agog all afternoon, waiting for the next part of your story. Paul was agog with curiosity.
(pain) dręczący (cry) rozdzierający (decision) bolesny (wait) męczący
începe să înveți
The secret language of pain: Why our most agonizing moments defy explanation
redaktorka rubryki porad osobistych dla czytelników
începe să înveți
agony aunt
agony column - rubryka porad
czosnek mi szkodzi / nie służy
începe să înveți
garlic doesn't agree with me
zgadzać się do pewnego stopnia i respektować odmienne zdanie drugiej strony
începe să înveți
agree to disagree
We have accomplished nothing except that we agree to disagree.
odpowiada ci to?
începe să înveți
are you agreeable to this?
Are you agreeable to my plans? - asked GOD
na mieliźnie
Nasza łódź osiadła na mieliźnie blisko przystani
începe să înveți
Our boat run aground near the harbour.
începe să înveți
ahead of
In the polls Labour is 2% ahead of the Conservatives.
z rocznym wyprzedzeniem, na rok naprzód
începe să înveți
a year ahead
Jesteśmy dobre dziesięć lat przed wami
începe să înveți
we are a good ten years ahead of you
începe să înveți
bolący, trapiący, chory
începe să înveți
formal - ill and not likely to get better
borykający się z trudnościami, kulejacy (ale firma, organizacja, gospodarka)
începe să înveți
The country's ailing economy Ted asked me if I could help him fix his ailing car.
punitive ailment = dolegliwość karna trivial ailment = błaha dolegliwość minor ailment = drobna dolegliwość
începe să înveți
an illness that is not very serious. Disease & illness - general words
Treat minor ailments yourself.
rześkie jesienne powietrze
începe să înveți
the crisp autumn air
wypowiadać (publicznie)/ nadawać (w radiu, tv)
Prezydent wypowiedział się na temat wojny. Profesor wypowiedział swoje kontrowersyjne poglądy i został zwolniony.
începe să înveți
President aired his views on the war. The professor aired his controversial opinions and got fired.
pustosłowie, obietnice bez pokrycia
începe să înveți
hot air
empty talk
Their promises turned out to be just so much hot air.
atmosfera, nastrój, wrażenie/wygląd
W czasie egzaminu panowała atmosfera stresu. Sprawiała wrażenie całkiem pewnej siebie. Nie mogłem znieść atmosfery złości i zazdrości
începe să înveți
There was an air of stress during the landing. She had an air of quiet confidence. I couldn't bear the air of anger and jealousy.
începe să înveți
air gun (often called pellet gun or BB gun depending on the projectile) is any kind of small arms that propels projectiles by means of compressed air or other gas, in contrast to explosive propellant of a firearm
beztrosko, nonszalancko
începe să înveți
airy - beztroski
"He can do what he likes - it doesn't bother me," he said airily.‘I don’t really care, ’ he replied airily. He applied in an airy way for the job of project manager.
hermetyczny, szczelny
începe să înveți
Keep food in airtight tins.
przejście, nawa boczna w kościele
Nawa była udekorowana białymi kwiatami.
începe să înveți
The aisle was decorated with white flowers.
półotwarty, uchylony (o drzwiach)
începe să înveți
We left the door ajar so that we could hear what they were saying.
aka znany także jako
începe să înveți
a.k.a. also known as
zbliżony do / pokrewny
începe să înveți
akin to
related or connected, comprable, similar
They speak a language akin to French.
żwawość, skwapliwość, ochoczość
enthusiasm, willingness
Wziął pieniądze z ochotą
începe să înveți
formal - with alacrity = skwapliwie, z ochotą
He accepted the money with alacrity.
panikarz, panikara (osoba podnosząca fałszywe alarmy)
începe să înveți
The government has dismissed newspaper reports of 200 dead as being alarmist.
powiedzenie oznaczające, że życie nie jest sprawiedliwe (dosł. Jeśli kamień spadł na jajko, nieszczęście to dla jajka! Jeśli jajko spadnie na kamień, nieszczęście to dla jajka!)
începe să înveți
If the stone fall upon the egg, alas for the egg! If the egg fall upon the stone, alas for the egg!
albumina, białko (np. w jajku)
începe să înveți
alkowa, wnęka, nisza
începe să înveți
We've put some bookshelves in the alcove.
începe să înveți
Aleutian Islands
... are a chain of 14 large volcanic alascan islands and 55 smaller ones belonging to both the United States and Russia
Zatoka Adeńska
începe să înveți
Gulf of Aden
The Gulf of Aden is a gulf located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa
na świeżym powietrzu
începe să înveți
an al fresco lunch on the patio Most summer evenings we eat al fresco.
get off - autobus, pociag, samolot, get out - auto
începe să înveți
alight (formal) - get off
formal to get out of a vehicle, especially a train or bus
Do not alight from the bus whilst it is in motion.
lądować, wylądować (o ptaku, owadzie)
începe să înveți
formal land, descend
A butterfly alighted gently on the flower. Many will alight on you if you are quiet.
to jest źle ustawione (względem)
Jeśli ekran dotykowy jest rozkalibrowany tak, że użytkownik nie może się zalogować
începe să înveți
it's out of alignment (with)
If the touch screen is so out of alignment the user is unable to login
zarówno mężczyźni jak i kobiety
începe să înveți
men and women alike
The strike is damaging to managers and workers alike.
Myślimy podobnie!
oni wszyscy są do siebie podobni
începe să înveți
We think alike!
they all look alike
tak zimą, jak i latem
începe să înveți
winter and summer alike
The hotel is delighted winter and summer alike
Oprzytomnieć! Z życiem!
începe să înveți
Look alive!
być wypełnionym
începe să înveți
be alive with something
The pond was alive with frogs. The ditch was alive with insects.
ogólnie rzecz biorąc / ostatecznie
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, to był wielki sukces. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Tom jest dobrym pracownikiem. Ten dom był, ogólnie rzecz biorąc, świetną inwestycją
începe să înveți
all in all
All in all, it was a great success. All in all, Tom is a good employee. This house was, all in all, a great investment.
jaki jest wynik? -- dwa -- dwa
începe să înveți
what's the score? -- 2 all
wszyscy z wyjątkiem najsłabszych
începe să înveți
all but the weakest
All but the weakest plants survived the hot weather.
prawie, całkiem
Nasza praca już jest prawie skończona. Prawie skończyłem daj mi kilka minut
începe să înveți
all but
Our work is all but through. I've all but finished; just give me a few minutes
W następnym tygodniu będą grali swój przedostatni mecz w tym sezonie. Ukończył bieg na 100 metrów jako przedostatni.
începe să înveți
last but one
Next week they will play their last but one game of the season. He finished last but one in 100 meters race
rozwiewać/rozpraszać (np. wątpliwości, obawy), osłabiać
începe să înveți
formal to make (something) less severe or strong, calm, ease
allay (somebody’s) fear/concern/suspicion/thirst etc The government is trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease.
zarzucać (coś komuś), pomawiać (kogoś)
începe să înveți
Three more women allege assaults by Bill Cosby. The two men allege (that) the police forced them to make false confessions. She is alleged to have been at the centre of an international drug ring.
lojalność, poddaństwo, posłuszeństwo, oddanie (np. wobec kraju, przekonania)
Nigdy w całym moim życiu nie przysięgałem mu posłuszeństwa jak i USA.
începe să înveți
Never in my whole life did I swear allegiance to him and US country.
wszechstronny, wszechogarniający
începe să înveți
Jesus' all embracing love. An all-embracing vision of society
złagodzić, łagodzić, ulżyć
începe să înveți
relieve, lessen
Her sympathy alleviated his distress... measures to alleviate poverty
sprzymierzony / pokrewny, bliski
începe să înveți
The aircraft and allied industries were nationalized.
Jaki jest łączny koszt?
începe să înveți
What is the all in cost? Evening on the river: dinner, dancing, wine -- 30 pounds all in.
przydzielać, przyznawać
începe să înveți
All seats in the Public Gallery are allotted in advance. Try and allot two or three hours a day to revision. He was allotted three feet of space to set up his art stall. I will allot these lottery tickets to my friends.
działka / przydział, podział (np. własności)
începe să înveți
Allotment a small area of land that people can rent for growing vegetables. We have a limited allotment of free holidays.
zdecydowany, całkowity, totalny /wszelkimi środkami, na całego
începe să înveți
an all-out effort to win, ... an all-out attack on trade unions... to go all out for it
uwzględniać, wziąć coś pod uwagę, wliczyć coś
Czy wziąłeś pod uwagę moją opinię? Musisz wziąć pod uwagę fakt, iż przez cały tydzień byłem chory.
începe să înveți
allow for something
to take something into consideration
Did you allow for my opinion? You have to allow for the fact that I was sick all week.
dodatek/dieta, zasiłek (regularnie otrzymywane pieniądze na jakiś cel) / dozwolona ilość, przydział (np. bagażu, który można zabrać ze sobą) / kieszonkowe
On dzisiaj dostał swój miesięczny zasiłek na swój biznes. Pakowałem się bardzo uważnie, żeby nie przekroczyć przydziału
începe să înveți
He got his monthly allowance for his business today. I packed very carefully not to exceed the allowance.
brać poprawkę na coś
începe să înveți
make allowance for something
They make no allowances for a child's age. We try to make allowances for our students' different language backgrounds. When planning a trip, you have to make allowances for things that you can't know ahead of time, such as crowds or bad weather.
Stal jest stopem metali, w którym głównymi składnikami są żelazo i węgiel
începe să înveți
Steel is a metal alloy whose major components are iron and carbon.
osoba wszechstronna
być bardzo wszechstronnym
începe să înveți
to be a good all-rounder
We're looking for a good all-rounder -- someone who can run the office, deal with customers' complaints, and so on.
ziele abgielskie, piment
Zmieszaj musztarde, szczypiorek i ziele angielskie
începe să înveți
Stir in mustard, chives, and allspice.
wspominać, robić aluzje do
începe să înveți
He only alluded to my past mistakes
pociągający, ponętny
Ponętne krawiectwo dla panien młodych w 2014 było niesamowite.
începe să înveți
Allure Bridals Couture in 2014 was amazing, At 50, she had lost none of her sexual allure.
osady rzeczne, przymulisko, aluwium
începe să înveți
Alluvium is earth and sand that has been left by rivers, floods, etc.
începe să înveți
clothing, food, or money that is given to poor people:
In the past, people thought it was their religious duty to give alms to the poor.
wysoko, w górze
începe să înveți
We held our glasses aloft.

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