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She spent her adolescence associating with criminals. începe să înveți
The exhibition was organized by the school in association with local artists. începe să înveți
A box of assorted chocolates makes a good gift. începe să înveți
różne, różnorodne, mieszane Pudełko mieszanych czekoladek to dobry prezent
alleviate, relieve, ease The government tried to assuage the public's fears. începe să înveți
ulżyć (w cierpieniu, bólu), koić (żal), zagłuszać (poczucie winy)
But let's assume for the moment that everything goes according to plan. I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it. Her eyes assumed a strange, weary look. începe să înveți
zakładać, brać na siebie (odp), przybierać
alias, false name Assumed name a name that has been assumed temporarily începe să înveți
objęcie (np. jakiegoś stanowiska), przejęcie (odpowiedzialności) These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise. Congratulations on the assumption of a new position începe să înveți
przy założeniu, że / objęcie (np. jakiegoś stanowiska), przejęcie (odpowiedzialności) Gratulacje z okazji objęcia nowego stanowiska
I can give you no assurances începe să înveți
nie mogę ci dać żadnej gwarancji
Astern indicates a position behind a specified vessel or aircraft. When 420 knots shows on the airspeed indicator, I fall in line astern of him. începe să înveți
By half-past six the camp was astir. începe să înveți
To my astonishment it was dark when I woke up. începe să înveți
astounded, astounding începe să înveți
The letter had gone astray. Don't worry, I won't lead you astray. începe să înveți
List się zawieruszył. Nie martw się nie zwiodę ciebie na manowce.
Karen sat astride a large brown horse. începe să înveți
You can use an astringent to make your skin less oily. începe să înveți
uszczypliwy / środek ściągający (np. na rany lub tłustą skórę), tonik
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The odds against another attack were astronomical. începe să înveți
He's always been a very astute politician and he always give an astute response to my question. începe să înveți
bystry, przenikliwy (w radzeniu sobie z ludźmi, problemami)
apart Their lives were torn asunder by the tragedy. începe să înveți
manila - szary papier So I wrote at the top of the manila folder, and I started looking at the data. începe să înveți
na szczycie / na górze (czegoś) Zapisałam to więc na górze teczki i zaczęłam przeglądać dane.
Yet even now he found himself thinking of the problem at times. At times, I wish I didn't have to go to school. începe să înveți
Ale nawet teraz łapał się czasami na myśleniu o problemie
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The children were playing at Batman and Robin. începe să înveți
bawić się w (jakąś obcą postać)
At his command a storm arose, and waves covered the sea. începe să înveți
Powiedział On i wzbudził wicher burzliwy, i spiętrzył jego fale.
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The Atlas Mountains are a mountain range in the Maghreb. It stretches around 2,500 km (1,600 mi) through Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia începe să înveți
ATM (Automated Telling Machine) începe să înveți
atoll sometimes called a coral atoll, is a ring-shaped coral reef including a coral rim that encircles a lagoon partially or completely începe să înveți
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rozpylacz, atomizer, pulweryzator
atonement The director of the company has expressed a wish to atone for her past sins. începe să înveți
atrocious Soldiers have been committing atrocities against civilians. începe să înveți
Their society is in a state of atrophy. Muscles only weaken and atrophy when they are not used. începe să înveți
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The vacuum cleaner has special attachments for curtains. începe să înveți
przywiązanie, nasadka, końcówka
attainments She's attained a high level of fitness. începe să înveți
he made no attempt to help începe să înveți
Doctors were rare and only attended very sick patients. I had two items of business to attend to before I could relax. Are you being attended to? începe să înveți
uczęszczać, zajmowąć się, obsługiwać (klienta) Było mało lekarzy dlatego ci co byli zajmowali się tylko bardzo chorymi. Miałem tylko 2 sprawy żeby nimi się zająć przed tym jak mogłem się zrelaksować. Czy jest pan obsługiwany?
He decided to improve himself by attendance at evening classes. At Easter, attendances at churches rose. începe să înveți
attendant... and its attendant dangers Please make sure your attendant is with you at all times. We saw the queen and her attendants. începe să înveți
towarzysz, opiekun... i związane z tym niebezpieczeństwa Proszę się upewnić, że wasz opiekun jest z wami przez cały czas. Widzieliśmy królową ze swoim orszakiem
it has come to my attention that It has come to my attention that you are not following the rules. începe să înveți
zwróciło moją uwagę, że...
attentively, intent - skupiony An attentive student is attentive to detail începe să înveți
uważny, troskliwy, usłużny
weaken, abate The artillery could only attenuate somewhat the force of the attack. începe să înveți
wychudły, wychudzony (negatywne określenie figury) / osłabić działanie (np. wirusa) / osłabić
Having seen him in action, I could attest to that începe să înveți
He donned his formal attire and went to the conference. începe să înveți
On założył swój formalny strój i poszedł na konferencję
her arms flung out in an attitude of surrender începe să înveți
rozpostarła ramiona w geście rezygnacji
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zmniejszanie się składu osobowego w firmie / spadek lojalności / skrucha
eggplant începe să înveți
Auburn hair is a variety of red hair, most commonly described as reddish-brown in color or dark ginger. Auburn hair ranges in shades from medium to dark începe să înveți
guts, courage / audacious I can’t believe she had the audacity to do it! She had the audacity to blame Baldwin for his own failure. începe să înveți
śmiałość, zuchwałość, tupet
Her breathing was barely audible. începe să înveți
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formal: boost, devlop, expand Any surplus was sold to augment their income începe să înveți
it augurs well (for). This result augurs well for the Socialists. începe să înveți
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inauspicious = niepomyślny, niezbyt obiecujący, złowieszczy, złowróżbny, niefortunny This book is an auspicious start to a writing career începe să înveți
Ta ksiązka jest obiecującym początkiem kariery pisarskiej.
austere As always at times of austerity, cuts were made... the elegant austerity of these surroundings. începe să înveți
Australasia, a region of Oceania, comprises Australia, New Zealand, the island of New Guinea, and neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean începe să înveți
My dictionary is the most authoritative work on aviation english vocabluary. He has a commanding presence and an authoritative voice. începe să înveți
autorytatywny, miarodajny, wiarygodny
The Bible is a work of collective authorship. începe să înveți
He took my hand and led me away from the automaton. începe să înveți
We searched the whole area but all to no avail. Robbie had disappeared. începe să înveți
extreme greed, avaricious formal for greed is just a desire to have a lot of money that is considered to be too strong începe să înveți
He was determined to avenge his father's death. începe să înveți
I suppose my working week averages out at about 40 hours. începe să înveți
aversion to be averse to sth/doing sth I wouldn't be averse to. Strong and aggressive, he is not averse to a bit of shirt pulling and uses his arms effectively to hold off defenders. începe să înveți
być przeciwnym or niechętnym czemuś/robieniu czegoś. nie miałbym nic przeciwko
A war was averted by skilful negotiation. She averted her eyes from the figure on the bed. începe să înveți
Aviaries are great for birds începe să înveți
avidly/ arden, devoted They are avid for fame. John is an avid collector of old jazz records începe să înveți
The avowed aim of revolutionaries is to disrupt modern society. începe să înveți
advisory, counseling, helping an avuncular, quietly spoken man His avuncular image belies his steely determination. începe să înveți
AWACS airborne warning and control system) începe să înveți
AWACS powietrzny system ostrzegania i kontroli)
He received an award of 10,000 pounds in compensation for his injuries. începe să înveți
to develop people's awareness of începe să înveți
rozwijanie świadomości ludzi na temat
In the monsoon the whole place is awash. During the mid-1960s the world was awash with dollars. începe să înveți
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He is in awe of her learning. începe să înveți
Our visit to the garden was a truly awe-inspiring experience. începe să înveți
wzbudzający respekt, podziw Wizyta w ogrodzie była doświadczeniem, które wzbudziło w nas ogromny podziw.
She gazed awestruck at the jewels. începe să înveți
honkie - białas (obraźliwie) It must have taken an awful lot of courage. începe să înveți
Can't you just wait awhile? începe să înveți
Awl is a pointed tool for making small holes in wood or leather începe să înveți
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markiza, daszek płócienny
The last minute changes caused our plans to go awry or In a position that is turned or twisted toward one side; askew. începe să înveți
być w nieładzie / nie powieść się
grind - ostrzyć The group claimed that it had no axe to grind. Tom, I need to talk to you. I have an ax to grind. Bill and Bob went into the other room to argue. They had an axe to grind. începe să înveți
kierować się własnym interesem
axiomatic It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists. Euclid's axioms form the foundation of his system of geometry. începe să înveți
A bar or beam of wood or iron, connecting the opposite wheels of a carriage, on the ends of which the wheels revolve. începe să înveți
All those in favor say aye. începe să înveți
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The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution. începe să înveți
a woman who is in charge of a convent începe să înveți
formal SYN renounce - zrzekać się / wyrzekać He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation. abjuration = wyparcie się, wyrzeczenie się (czegoś) abjure rights = wyzbyć się praw începe să înveți
wyprzeć się, wyrzec się (czegoś)
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abutter = sąsiad, właściciel sąsiadującej nieruchomości abuttal, także: abutment = granice nieruchomości abuting real estate = nieruchomość granicząca începe să înveți
graniczyć (z czymś), przylegać (do czegoś)
Someone who is accident-prone often has accidents începe să înveți
server, altar boy anyone who follows or helps another person, or someone who helps a priest in some religious ceremonies începe să înveți
ferocity This is angry, bad feelings between people like between Trump and H. Clinton începe să înveți
An actuary is a business professional who deals with the measurement and management of risk and uncertainty începe să înveți
rzeczoznawca ubezpieczeniowy
add fuel to the fire First, the basement flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen. My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway. începe să înveți
They add on about nine per cent for service. începe să înveți
None of the evidence adduced in court was conclusive. începe să înveți
powoływać się (na coś), cytować, przytaczać (jakiś tekst)
Online instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing. I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies. I am an Irish citizen and, as a complementary adjunct to that, I am a European citizen. începe să înveți
Jestem obywatelem irlandzkim i - co stanowi dodatkowe uzupełnienie - jestem obywatelem europejskim
compliment, flattery Shame on any Member who proclaims such obscene adulation of men of blood! începe să înveți
Głoszenie tak wstrętnej pochwały krwawych morderców to hańba dla posła do PE!
The adze is a cutting tool shaped somewhat like an axe that dates back to the stone age. It can be any tool with a sharp cutting edge începe să înveți
ciosło (do obróbki drewna)
are a volcanic archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea north of Sicily, named after the demigod of the winds Aeolus începe să înveți
Wyspy Liparyjskie / Eoliczne grupa siedemnastu (siedmiu większych i dziesięciu małych) wysp pochodzenia wulkanicznego, położonych na Morzu Tyrreńskim, na północ od Sycylii
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→ O ile wiem; z tego, co wiem
This is the act of planting trees in order to make a forest OPP deforestation începe să înveți
You could see the afterglow of the victory in his face. începe să înveți
We watched, our mouths agape in excitement. începe să înveți
z otwartymi ustami, z rozdziawioną gębą
Drugs are too easy to get ahold of. I'd like to get ahold of Debbie and talk to her about this. începe să înveți
Łatwo wpaść w uścisk narkotyków, Chciałbym skontaktować się z Debbie i porozmawiać z nią o tym.
The advertisement was criticized for its sexual innuendo. începe să înveți
insynuacja, podtekst seksualny
You can't give blood if you suffered from jaundice. începe să înveți
Nie możesz oddawać krwi, jeżeli cierpiałeś na żółtaczkę.
innately = naturalnie, od urodzenia He has an innate desire to win. Children have an innate ability to learn language. începe să înveți