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safety stand-down is a planned, temporary halt in operations or work activities, specifically designed to focus on safety issues începe să înveți
przestój bezpieczeństwa to zaplanowane, tymczasowe wstrzymanie operacji lub działań roboczych, zaprojektowane specjalnie w celu skupienia się na kwestiach bezpieczeństwa.
Refers to being actively involved in the day-to-day operations, typically in a hands-on role. The manager is on the floor today, helping employees with customer service începe să înveți
Kierownik jest dziś na miejscu, pomagając pracownikom w obsłudze klienta
the act of expressing strong emotions, especially anger, frustration, or stress, often by talking about them He was so angry about the unfair decision that he spent an hour venting to his colleague începe să înveți
Był tak wściekły z powodu niesprawiedliwej decyzji, że spędził godzinę na wyładowywaniu się na swoim koledze
refers to a temporary or superficial solution to a problem, rather than addressing the underlying issue. Taping up the leaking pipe is just a band-aid fix. The entire section needs to be replaced to stop the leak permanently începe să înveți
prowizorka, naprawa tymczasowa Zaklejenie przeciekającej rury to tylko rozwiązanie doraźne. Cała sekcja musi zostać wymieniona, aby trwale zatrzymać wyciek
to increase the intensity, amount, or speed of something, often gradually or in stages The team ramped up their training sessions to prepare for the championship game începe să înveți
peaks and valleys" is a metaphor often used to describe the highs and lows or the ups and downs in various aspects of life Life is full of peaks and valleys; you just have to ride out the tough times and enjoy the good moments începe să înveți
wzloty i upadki; szczyty i spadki Życie jest pełne wzlotów i upadków; po prostu trzeba przetrwać trudne chwile i cieszyć się dobrymi momentami
refers to a situation where there are not enough people available to do a job or task, leading to being understaffed or lacking sufficient help The restaurant was short-handed during the lunch rush, so the staff had to work extra hard to keep up with orders începe să înveți
Podczas lunchu w restauracji brakowało rąk do pracy, więc personel musiał pracować wyjątkowo ciężko, aby nadążyć za zamówieniami
describe someone leaving a situation, job, or relationship, sometimes abruptly or unexpectedly. After the argument with his boss, he decided to walk out the door and never come back începe să înveți
Po kłótni z szefem postanowił opuścić pracę i nigdy nie wracać
To hire or assign someone to a position that has been vacated by another employee We need to backfill the position left open by the departing manager începe să înveți
Musimy obsadzić stanowisko zwolnione przez odchodzącego menedżera.
Today's teenagers are well-versed in technology. începe să înveți
Dzisiejsze nastolatki są dobrze zorientowane w technologii.
describe someone who is very intelligent, quick-witted, or perceptive Even at 90 years old, my grandmother is still as sharp as a tack începe să înveți
bardzo bystry, bardzo inteligentny
mean to take advantage of a situation or or to invest money to generate profit She capitalized on her unique skills to get the job începe să înveți
wykorzystać coś dla korzyści, przekształcić w kapitał Wykorzystała swoje unikalne umiejętności, aby zdobyć tę pracę
idiom that means a promise of something that is very unlikely to happen or an unrealistic goal. I don't think she'll ever become a president - it's just pie in the sky. începe să înveți
gruszki na wierzbie, marzenia ściętej głowy Nie sądzę, by kiedykolwiek została prezydentem - to tylko marzenia ściętej głowy
A situation where security is breached or sensitive information is exposed, often unintentionally or through an attack. Do you want to compromise my safety in aviation? I won't allow it începe să înveți
kompromitować, narażać na szwank Chcesz narazić moje bezpieczeństwo w lotnictwie? Nie pozwolę na to
The Sky Tower is a prominent landmark in Wroclaw, Poland. It is one of the tallest buildings in the city, offering stunning views of Wroclaw and its surroundings. începe să înveți
punkt orientacyjny, charakterystyczny obiekt Sky Tower to ważny punkt orientacyjny we Wrocławiu. Jest to jeden z najwyższych budynków w mieście, oferujący wspaniałe widoki na Wrocław i jego okolice.
If you resume an activity or if it resumes, it begins again. The aircraft have resumed operation after a brief suspension due to maintenance issues începe să înveți
Samolot wznowił loty po krótkim zawieszeniu z powodu prac konserwacyjnych.
If you say that a person is slaving over something or is slaving for someone, you mean that they are working very hard. I've been slaving all week - I deserved some free time. începe să înveți
Używane też jest: slog - harówka Harowałem cały tydzień - zasłużyłem na trochę wolnego czasu
to defeat or overcome someone or something completely, usually in a conflict, competition, or struggle "The knight managed to vanquish his enemies in battle." începe să înveți
„Rycerz zdołał pokonać swoich wrogów w bitwie”.
If you wrap up something such as a job or an agreement, you complete it in a satisfactory way. I expect you to wrap this project up in a day or two. începe să înveți
skończyć coś (np. wykonanie projektu), zakończyć coś Oczekuję, że skończysz ten projekt za dzień lub dwa.
Something that is insidious is unpleasant or dangerous and develops gradually without being noticed An insidious failure in the aircraft's mechanical system went unnoticed, ultimately leading to a tragic accident that resulted in significant loss of life and damage. începe să înveți
podstępny, pozornie niewinny (np. wróg, choroba) Podstępna awaria systemu mechanicznego samolotu pozostała niezauważona, co ostatecznie doprowadziło do tragicznego wypadku, w wyniku którego zginęło wiele osób.
If you describe something such as a machine or car as temperamental, you mean that it often does not work properly. A temperamental Tecnam failure led to unexpected complications during the flight. începe să înveți
If something such as a project or campaign snowballs, it rapidly increases and grows. The investigation snowballed from there and has since led to several arrests începe să înveți
narastać, wzrastać lawinowo (np. problemy, długi)
If you describe something as fiery, you mean that it is burning strongly or contains fire. [literary] A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo începe să înveți
zapalczywy, zaciekły, palący Helikopter rozbił się w ognistej eksplozji w Vallejo
to fill with high spirits, exhilaration, pride or optimism Winning the championship game elated the entire team. începe să înveți
uszczęśliwiać, wprawiać w euforyczny nastrój
The criminal is at large. We need to capture him începe să înveți
Przestępca jest na wolności. Musimy go pojmać
Someone who instigates an event causes it to happen. Officer decided to instigate an unnecessary altercation that ultimately could have been avoided începe să înveți
przystąpić, przystępować (np. do ataku) Funkcjonariusz zdecydował się wszcząć niepotrzebną sprzeczkę, której ostatecznie można było uniknąć.
The country was rocked by the shooting of the teenagers începe să înveți
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karykatura sprawiedliwości
There was a mad scramble to evacuate the country. începe să înveți
przepychanka, szarpanina (o coś)
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Cut her a little slack, her sister just died începe să înveți
dać komuś spokój, trochę luzu
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przenikliwy (głos dźwięk)
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Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or thing We need to work on the bias towards the changes we want to introduce începe să înveți
stronniczość, uprzedzenie. nastawienie Musimy popracować nad nastawieniem do zmian, które chcemy wprowadzić
I could see dust particles suspended in the air începe să înveți
unosić, być zawieszonym (w powietrzu) Widziałem cząsteczki kurzu unoszące się w powietrzu
A rift between people or countries is a serious quarrel or disagreement that stops them having a good relationship. There is a rift between what he says and what he does. începe să înveți
rozdźwięk (np. między dwoma zdaniami) Istnieje rozdźwięk między tym co mówi a tym, co robi
If people jostle you, they bump against you or push you in a way that annoys you, usually because you are in a crowd and they are trying to get past you. Pilgrims jostle for a chance to kiss the Black Stone; if they are unable to kiss it, they can point towards it on each circuit with their right hand începe să înveți
Pielgrzymi przepychają się o możliwość ucałowania Czarnego Kamienia; jeśli nie mogą go ucałować, mogą wskazać go prawą ręką na każdym obwodzie
"Let's get out of here," I said, shoving Jane. începe să înveți
popychać kogoś, odpychać kogoś Chodźmy stąd", powiedziałem, popychając Jane
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The clouds spelled a storm. începe să înveți
the most important part of what someone has said or written The substance of the matter are our children. începe să înveți
kwintesencja, istota, meritum Kwintesencją tej sprawy są nasze dzieci
synonymous: point a main message or piece of information that you learn from something you hear or read The takeaway from the conference was how competitive the tourism industry has become. începe să înveți
kluczowy fakt, kwestia, wniosek
SMS is a standard throughout the aviation industry worldwide începe să înveți
SMS jest standardem w branży lotniczej na całym świecie
stand on somebody's shoulders To build on the previous discoveries or creativity of someone. începe să înveți
dokonywać odkryć bazując na osiągnięciach poprzedników
to say something while another person is speaking "That's absolutely ridiculous!" Zelensky interjected. începe să înveți
wtrącać, wtrącić (np. uwagę, komentarz)
to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with it all We have been inundated with requests for help. începe să înveți
zalać / zasypać, zasypywać (np. pracą, komplementami)
In this age of austerity we need to show restraint. începe să înveți
powściągliwość, umiar, opanowanie, pohamowanie
When things fall into place, they happen in a satisfactory way, without problems: If you plan the project well, then everything should fall into place. începe să înveți
to produce or encourage something such as an emotion or support She managed to muster the courage to ask him to the cinema. începe să înveți
zebrać, się na (np. odwagę, zapał)
(especially of soldiers) to come together, especially in preparation for fighting, or to cause to do this The general mustered his troops. gathering up just about anything — you can muster up some dinner, some friends, or even some ketchup, pickles and mustard. începe să înveți
Our career in this company was on the wane. începe să înveți
słabnie, w zaniku, w stanie słabnięcia
confident and honest in a way that ignores the usual social rules and might seem rude She is forward but I like her anyway. începe să înveți
bezczelny, zbyt pewny siebie
I live in a neighbourhood ridden with crime and violence. începe să înveți
przepełniony czymś, naszpikowany (zwykle czymś negatywnym)
to work more slowly and with less effort than usual, or to go more slowly: You shouldn't be slacking at work. începe să înveți
zaniedbywać (pracę, obowiązki)
information that proves who committed a crime The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy. începe să înveți
colide with/contradict sth If you're both going to lie, at least stick to the same story and don't contradict each other! începe să înveți
być w sprzeczności z czymś
slow development, or development that is slower than it should be Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and growth retardation începe să înveți
opóźnienie, spowolnienie, spóźnienie (np. w rozwoju)
It was his lucky break, his foot in the door. începe să înveți
szczęśliwy traf / uśmiech losu
an imaginary line used as a starting point for making comparisons To test how a class's performance improves over time, a researcher might begin with a baseline showing their current scores and grades. începe să înveți
a place where something important happens or starts happening: începe să înveți
point of departure / starting point începe să înveți
become ground down or deteriorate Numerous hospital bills can cause your savings to erode începe să înveți
ograniczać, podkopywać, źle wpływać (np. wolność, przywileje, pewność siebie)
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Aviation has always been near and dear to me. începe să înveți
bliski sercu, bardzo ważny
too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death: I think I might have morbid fascination with air crashes începe să înveți
chorobliwy, przesadny (np. fascynacja)
Something that is innocuous is not at all harmful or offensive Even seemingly innocuous words are offensive in certain contexts începe să înveți
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Romantic novel was written to titillate readers with its descriptions of passionate encounters. începe să înveți
łechtac czyjeś ego, podniecać
To maim something is to disfigure it through force or violence Wartime battles have a tendency to maim soldiers. începe să înveți
something big or impressive in size or qualities Incredible Hulk who could single-handedly sink the hulk of any ship. începe să înveți
kolos/olbrzym, kadłub (statku)
A throng is a crowd of people or animals. On the crowded platform, the throng of passengers attempted to push their way into the already overcrowded subway car începe să înveți
tłum / tłoczyć (się), gromadzić (się), zapełniać (jakieś miejsce)
an important stone, so it also means “the basic part of something Let us not forget that a free press is the cornerstone of democracy. începe să înveți
kamień węgielny (podstawa czegoś, np. idei
1. drink moderately but regularly 2. serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg During Prohibition in the 1920s it was illegal to tipple but today you can tipple almost anywhere — as long as you are 21. începe să înveți
1 pić 2. trunek, napój alkoholowy
1. devoutly religious 2. (of a hope) sincere but unlikely to be fulfilled. He was brought up by pious female relatives începe să înveți
1. pobożny, bogobojny 2. świętoszkowaty
St. Francis is one of the most venerated religious figures in Roman Catholic history. începe să înveți
If you retaliate when someone harms or annoys you, you do something which harms or annoys them in return. They think that if Iraq does retaliate, this is where it will hit începe să înveți
mścić się, odpłacać, brać odwet
For the men and women of the Secular Franciscan Order, vow poverty is a call to live a spirit of detachment from temporary, worldly goods, simplifying their material needs. începe să înveți
A conundrum is a difficult and or confusing problem to solve. It is characterized as having no clear right answer. începe să înveți
A misnomer is a wrong or unsuitable name. It’s a misnomer to call your grandmother “Grandfather,” the same way it’s a misnomer to call a chair with four legs that doesn’t move unless you drag it across the floor, a rocking chair. începe să înveți
to take the place of someone or something that went before Airfield or airport mostly superseded use of aerodrome after the IIWW in colloquial language începe să înveți
zastępować (ideę, produkt, metodę), wypierać (kogoś, coś)
Visceral feelings are feelings that you feel very deeply and find it difficult to control or ignore, and that are not the result of thought. I never overcame a visceral antipathy for the monarchy. începe să înveți
instynktownie, ekspresywnie (oficjalnie)
the quality of being believable or trustworthy You lose believability when you start lying, cheating and acting rather shady începe să înveți
The noun concession comes in handy in negotiations — between countries, political parties, or even parents and their kids Want a raise in your allowance? You may have to agree to do more chores as a concession before your parents will agree. începe să înveți
Chcesz podwyżki kieszonkowego? Być może będziesz musiał zgodzić się na wykonywanie większej liczby obowiązków w ramach ustępstwa, zanim rodzice się zgodzą.
Something that deserves respect is worthy, whether it's a charity, a hard working tennis opponent, or a struggle to overcome a disability. La Guardia Airport is worthy of New York începe să înveți
godny, godzien, wart, zasługujący (na coś)
After a few seconds the curtains will be whisked away. începe să înveți
not operating correctly or looking right: The whole situation seemed out of whack and way beyond his control. începe să înveți
The office was fitted out with the latest computers and ergonomic furniture. începe să înveți
: likely to betray trust Treacherous means either not trusted or dangerous. A treacherous road might be icy or otherwise likely to cause a car accident. A treacherous friend will betray you. începe să înveți
a concealed or unexpected difficulty or obstacle Every document has some kind of a snag. It’s also a hitch in a plan. If you develop a terrible cat allergy, your lifelong dream of being a cat trainer has hit a snag. începe să înveți
przeszkoda, trudność, szkopuł, haczyk
proof against wind and rain A watertight door compromises several technical systems with many possible failure modes începe să înveți
odporny na warunki atmosferyczne
the close of the day: dusk They would rest by day and come again at nightfall începe să înveți
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hoist is to raise up or lift, like a crane or forklift would. You can hoist yourself up onto the roof to get a better view, or hoist your teammate onto your shoulders after she scores the winning goal. începe să înveți
while moving quickly: Both teams were playing the game at pace. începe să înveți
Be completely reliant upon Don't live and die by your imaginative boss; that is schizophrenia începe să înveți
całkowicie bazować na (idiom)
make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc începe să înveți
przygotuj się, przyszykować Musimy się szybko przygotować
When anything comes to a standstill, it stops moving, either literally coming to a motionless stop, or ceasing to make any progress. Stand still or else I will prick you with a needle începe să înveți
bring sth to a halt/stop/close to cause to end: stop The contract brought a halt to the strike. începe să înveți
doprowadzić coś do końca, zakończyć coś, zatrzymać coś
Anything that needs to be mailed, sent off, or quickly shipped needs to be dispatched. Letters, official reports, teams of police — if it has somewhere to be, you can dispatch it to get there. începe să înveți
wysyłać (np. depeszę), ekspediować (kogoś gdzieś)
happens when snow falls so fast and heavily that you can't see very far in front of you. It's not safe to drive in a whiteout. începe să înveți
brak widoczności z powodu mgły lub śnieżycy (zamieci)
extremely and uncomfortably hot: In the summer, it's sweltering in the smaller classrooms. începe să înveți
this approach allows you to future-proof your applications Here are some tips for future-proofing your computer network începe să înveți
długo nie wychodzący z użycia
And then here's a really, really big close-up of the little piece of metal. începe să înveți
There's a shuttle bus going from the airport to the downtown, so you don't need to order a taxi. începe să înveți
środek transportu kursujący wahadłowo Z lotniska do centrum miasta jeździ autobus wahadłowy, więc nie musisz zamawiać taksówki.
A cuckold is a man who has been betrayed by his wife. If your wife cuckolds you, she is cheating on you with a different man. începe să înveți
to supply someone or something with all of the things that will be needed: The ship will be in dock for eight months to be fitted out for its new duties. începe să înveți
showing good judgment, especially about style and quality: Students with a greater capacity for discernment are able to think more critically and creatively, think things through to their logical conclusions începe să înveți
wnikliwy, bystry, wymagający
a narrow street with walls on both sides începe să înveți
be out of circulation începe să înveți
nie być na bieżąco, nie nadążać za czymś
He has become a serious liability to our business, and that cannot continue începe să înveți
1. odpowiedzialność 2. obciążenie, zawada, balast, problem, ciężar (np. o osobie, o rzeczy Stał się poważnym obciążeniem dla naszych interesów i nie możemy tego tolerować