Academic Teacher

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At any rate
This is a phrase often used to sum up a conversation and bring it to a close
At any rate, I don’t know why the instructor is not here, but I need to go now
începe să înveți
W każdym razie
W każdym razie nie wiem, dlaczego instruktora tu nie ma, ale muszę już iść
settle down
1. to become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in it 2. to become quiet and calm, or to make someone become quiet and calm
Come on all of you, stop talking and settle down please!
începe să înveți
1. ustatkować się 2. uspokoić się
Przestańcie gadać i uspokójcie się, proszę!
halfway down the page
This information is halfway down the page 30.
începe să înveți
W połowie drogi / w połowie strony
Ta informacja jest w połowie 30 strony
Have a guess
Have a guess. I won't kill you if you don't get the answer right.
începe să înveți
strzelać (nie znając prawidłowej odpowiedzi), zgadywać
Strzelaj. Nie zabiję cię, jeżeli podasz złą odpowiedź.
never moving or looking away from something
Poland’s president has declared he has always been unwavering in his support for Ukraine after being criticised for saying he was unsure whether Kyiv would be able to regain control of Crimea
începe să înveți
Prezydent Polski oświadczył, że zawsze niezachwianie wspierał Ukrainę po tym, jak został skrytykowany za stwierdzenie, że nie jest pewien, czy Kijów będzie w stanie odzyskać kontrolę nad Krymem.
1. very loyal and committed in attitude 2. (of a wall) of strong or firm construction.
Through fasting, we overcome and bind one of the giants of perversion- gluttony- a staunch ally of nature and the devil.
începe să înveți
Poprzez post pokonujemy i wiążemy jednego z gigantów perwersji - obżarstwo - zagorzałego sprzymierzeńca natury i diabła.
1. to prevent a bomb from exploding: 2. to make a difficult or dangerous situation calmer by reducing or removing its cause:
The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.
începe să înveți
1. rozbrajać (minę, bombę) 2. rozładować (napięcie), łagodzić (sytuację), zażegnać (kryzys)
Obie grupy spotkają się w przyszłym tygodniu, aby spróbować rozładować kryzys/sytuację/napięcie.
Something that is precarious is not securely held in place and seems likely to fall or collapse
A construction worker in a precarious spot
începe să înveți
niepewny, nietrwały, niestały (łatwo ulegający pogorszeniu)
sit around
to spend time sitting down and doing very little
Stop sitting round all day.
începe să înveți
bezczynnie (używane do opisywania czynności, które nie mają większego celu)
Przestań siedzieć bezczynnie przez cały dzień
any one of several types of fruits that have a hard shell and that are used for decoration and not for eating
începe să înveți
tykwa (owoc lub rodzaj naczynia
If you wind (up) a clock or watch, you cause it to work by turning a key, handle, or other device
I wound my watch before going to sleep.
începe să înveți
nakręcać (np. zegarek, zabawkę)
Nakręciłem zegarek przed pójściem spać
to rub or very gently hit a baby on the back to allow air to come up from the stomach
Can you wind the baby? I just fed him.
începe să înveți
sprawić, aby dziecku odbiło się po jedzeniu (np. poklepując po plecach)
Czy możesz sprawić, by dziecku się odbiło? Właśnie go nakarmiłem.
to wrap something around an object several times or twist it repeatedly around itself
The nurse wound the bandage around my arm.
începe să înveți
owijać, nawijać, okręcać
Pielęgniarka owinęła bandaż wokół mojego ramienia.
to turn or cause something to turn
Can you wind the film to my favourite moment?
începe să înveți
przewijać (np. taśmę)
Czy możesz przewinąć film do mojego ulubionego momentu?
If a road, path, or river winds, it follows a route that turns repeatedly in different directions:
The river winds through the valley.
începe să înveți
wić się
Rzeka wije się przez dolinę.
refuse (formal)
unwanted waste material, especially material that is regularly thrown away from a house, factory, etc.:
The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
începe să înveți
śmieci, odpadki
Wysypisko było tak przepełnione, że musiało odmawiać więcej odpadów.
get the lead out (idiom)
: to begin going or moving more quickly
Get the lead out! If we don't leave in five minutes we'll be late for the movie!
începe să înveți
przestać się obijać, ruszyć z kopyta, ruszyć tyłek
Rusz tyłek! Jeśli nie wyjdziemy za pięć minut, spóźnimy się na film!
to leave someone or something without help or in a difficult situation:
Venice local people deserted the city as hordes of tourists arrived.
începe să înveți
wyjeżdżać, opuszczać (np. małe miasteczko)
Miejscowa ludność Wenecji opuściła miasto, gdy przybyły hordy turystów.
începe să înveți
sewer, taylor
I know a sewer who can help you fix your shirt.
începe să înveți
krawiec, krawcowa
Znam krawca, który pomoże ci naprawić twoją koszulę.
"Erratic" means unpredictable or inconsistent. It describes behavior, movement, or actions that lack a clear pattern or regularity, often appearing irregular, unstable, or chaotic.
Police stopped him for driving erratically
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
wymaz, wacik
important because of showing information
These are some of the telltale signs of termites
începe să înveți
wskaźnik (np. czasu), urządzenie sygnalizujące (np. położenie czegoś)
Oto niektóre z charakterystycznych oznak obecności termitów
an action, situation, or decision that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or made:
There are several precedents for promoting people who don't have formal qualifications.
începe să înveți
Istnieje kilka precedensów awansowania osób, które nie posiadają formalnych kwalifikacji.
to search a place or thing very carefully in order to try to find something
She scoured the shops for a suitable dress. I was scouring the dirty pots for hours.
începe să înveți
przeszukiwać (np. dokument), przetrząsać (miejsce) 2. szorować
Ona przeszukała sklepy za odpowiednią sukienką. Godzinami szorowałam brudne garnki
in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or made a lot of effort:
She painstakingly explained how the machine worked
începe să înveți
Skrupulatnie wyjaśniła, jak działa maszyna
Fail-safe generally means a design such that the airplane can survive the failure of an element of a system or, in some instances one or more entire systems, without catastrophic consequences
începe să înveți
bezpieczne w razie awarii
to excite or cause interest:
Labor law piqued his interest in law school.
începe să înveți
wzbudzić (np. zainteresowanie, ciekawość) AmE
in a way that happens immediately, without any delay:
Participants in chat rooms respond instantaneously to each other.
începe să înveți
to join two pieces of rope, film, etc. together at their ends in order to form one long piece
Scientists have discovered how to splice pieces of DNA.
începe să înveți
złącze, splot (czegoś)
Torn and ragged pieces, especially of cloth or clothing.
After years of neglect, the old flag was in tatters, barely recognizable from its original
începe să înveți
the long bone in the upper part of the leg Synonim thighbone
începe să înveți
kość udowa
the beginning, when someone starts to do something, or a process starts
The latest research shows that babies can be taught the difference between night and day from the get-go
începe să înveți
Najnowsze badania pokazują, że niemowlęta można od samego początku nauczyć odróżniania nocy od dnia
The puppy nipped at Samantha with his little teeth, so she told him off.
începe să înveți
Szczeniak skubał Samanthę małymi zębami, więc go zganiła.
1. Loyal, reliable, and hardworking. 2. Strongly built and sturdy. **Stalwart** (noun): 1. A loyal, reliable, and hardworking supporter or participant in an organization or team
începe să înveți
podpora (osoba stanowiąca wsparcie np. organizacj)
having feet whose bottom part is flat against the ground and not curved up in an arch or in a difficult or unexpected situation that makes you unable to move or react quickly or skilfully:
Campaign leaders were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started to swing the other way.
începe să înveți
płaskostopy, nieprzygotowany
an amount of money that is returned to you, especially by the government, for example when you have paid too much tax:
The government plans to give small business owners a tax rebate.
începe să înveți
pleasant and kind:
a benign old lady
începe să înveți
niezłośliwy / łagodny
Drug smugglers often conceal drugs inside normal household objects.
începe să înveți
Przemytnicy często ukrywają narkotyki w zwykłych przedmiotach gospodarstwa domowego.
the disagreement that results from opposing arguments:
There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.
începe să înveți
twierdzenie, spór, kwestia sporna
an indication
Give me a lead to solve this problem.
începe să înveți
trop, wskazówka (informacja, która może pomóc w rozwiązaniu problemu)
Daj mi wskazówkę do rozwiązania tego problemu
1. **Physical Object**: A pigeonhole is a small compartment or cubbyhole. 2. "pigeonhole" someone or something means to categorize or classify them in a restrictive or limiting way, often ignoring their full potential or complexity.
începe să înveți
1. szufladkować 2. przegródka
to search (someone) by feeling for concealed weapons, etc. (informal)
Airport screening officers routinely perform manual physical checks, known as frisk searches
începe să înveți
obszukiwać kogoś, przeszukiwać kogoś, rewidować kogoś (np. w poszukiwaniu broni)
Funkcjonariusze kontroli bezpieczeństwa na lotniskach rutynowo przeprowadzają ręczne kontrole fizyczne, znane jako przeszukiwanie z użyciem przycisku "frisk
a warning that something is going to happen, usually so that you can prepare for it:
This note is just to give you a heads-up that Vicky will be arriving next week.
începe să înveți
ostrzeżenie dostarczone z odpowiednim wyprzedzeniem
on a first-name basis
friendly or familiar enough with someone to call that person by their first name:
Staff and pupils at the school were on a first-name basis.
începe să înveți
po imieniu, na ty
without rhyme or reason
to be without any obvious reasonable explanation
There is no rhyme or reason to her behaviour
începe să înveți
ni stąd, ni zowąd, bez powodu
Jej dziwne zachowanie pojawiło się ni stąd, ni zowąd
In you go now!
începe să înveți
Do środka!
What use is that now?
începe să înveți
Jaki to teraz ma sens?
catch up some other time
începe să înveți
nadrobić zaległości kiedy indziej
make waves
to be very active so that other people notice you, often in a way that intentionally causes trouble:
It's probably not a good idea to start making waves in your first week in a new job.
începe să înveți
powodować kłopoty
This is an outrage!
începe să înveți
To skandal! To jest zniewaga!
A person who informs on someone else, typically to the authorities, often viewed negatively as a betrayer or informant.
Martin, I saw you selling the information - you're the snitch!
începe să înveți
Martin widziałem jak sprzedawałeś informacje - jesteś kapusiem!
closely connected
Divisions have appeared within his usually tight-knit circle of friends.
începe să înveți
ciasno, zżyty
let go of me!
Come on, seriously, let go of me!
începe să înveți
puść mnie!
Daj spokój, poważnie, puść mnie!
planned for the future or calculated based on information already known:
The projected extension to the motorway is going to cost over £4 million.
începe să înveți
Planowane przedłużenie autostrady będzie kosztować ponad 4 miliony funtów.
to limit an activity, person, or problem in some way:
I was confined to my room for a month because I had pneumonia.
începe să înveți
ograniczać, zamykać
Przez miesiąc byłem zamknięty w moim pokoju, ponieważ miałem zapalenie płuc.
What have you been up to?
începe să înveți
Co porabiałeś? Jak się pan miewa? -
in the immediate vicinity
However, in the immediate vicinity, we have maintained great skiing infrastructure, hiking trails, areas for cycling.
începe să înveți
w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie
Natomiast w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie mamy świetnie utrzymaną infrastrukturę narciarską, szlaki turystyczne, tereny do jazdy na rowerze.
A staple is something that forms an important part of something else.
As a competitive swimmer, early morning training has been a staple of my lifestyle ever since I was 11 years old.
începe să înveți
zszywka/ ważna część, podstawa, baza
Jako wyczynowy pływak, poranne treningi były podstawą mojego stylu życia odkąd skończyłem 11 lat.
staple food
A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in people's everyday lives.
Potatoes are the staple food of more than half the world's population
începe să înveți
podstawowe produkty spożywcze (np. dla danego regionu)
Ziemniaki są podstawowym pożywieniem ponad połowy światowej populacji
If the amount or level of something dips, it becomes smaller or lower, usually only for a short period of time.
So if you often have an energy dip while sitting at your desk in the afternoon, this could be the answer to your problem
începe să înveți
spadek (np. popularności, temperatury)
Jeśli więc często miewasz spadki energii podczas popołudniowego siedzenia przy biurku, może to być odpowiedź na Twój problem
When something thin and dry rustles or when you rustle it, it makes soft sounds as it moves.
The leaves rustled in the wind
începe să înveți
szelest, szmer, szum
Liście szeleściły na wietrze
be in one's teens
They are still in their teens so they cannot marry.
începe să înveți
być nastolatkiem
If you shudder, you shake with fear, horror, or disgust, or because you are cold.
Lisa shuddered when she thought about the spider she'd seen at the zoo yesterday.
începe să înveți
wzdrygnąć się, drżeć
Lisa wzdrygnęła się, kiedy pomyślała o pająku, którego widziała wczoraj w zoo.
If someone has a raspy voice, they make rough sounds as if they have a sore throat or have difficulty in breathing.
începe să înveți
chrapliwy, szorstki (o głosie)
Foreboding is a strong feeling that something terrible is going to happen.
When walking home alone, trust your instincts: if you have a sense of foreboding, run.
începe să înveți
przeczucie czegoś złego
Wracając samemu do domu zaufaj swojemu instynktowi: jeśli masz złe przeczucie, biegnij.
If the amount or size of something swells or if something swells it, it becomes larger than it was before.
The population is swelling constantly.
începe să înveți
Populacja stale wzrasta
It's the actual pen I used on my SAT tests. Are you talking about actual danger?
începe să înveți
rzeczywisty, dokładnie ten
To dokładnie ten długopis, którego używałem na moich testach SAT. Czy mówisz o rzeczywistym niebezpieczeństwie?
my word!
used to express surprise or to emphasize something:
începe să înveți
masz babo placek! masz ci los! wielkie nieba!
wykrzyknienie używane jako wyraz zdziwienia
I'm so scared that I can hear the thud of my heart.
începe să înveți
Jestem tak przerażony, że słyszę łomot swojego serca
give a tour
Maddie gave a tour to Samantha on a weekend.
începe să înveți
take somebody in
to take care of someone and provide a place in your home for them:
My uncle took me in when I moved to Warsaw.
începe să înveți
przyjmować kogoś, nocować kogoś, gościć kogoś (pod swoim dachem)
Mój wujek przyjął mnie, kiedy przeprowadziłem się do Warszawy
too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them:
A rather nosey woman once asked him about his personal life.
începe să înveți
ciekawski, niedyskretny, wścibski
To sever something means to cut completely through it or to cut it completely off.
Dawson returns from the city a changed man... determined to sever ties with girl.
începe să înveți
zerwać, odcinać
Dawson wraca z wielkiego miasta odmieniony, zdecydowany na przecięcie więzów z dziewczyną znad strumienia.
If you opt out of something, you choose to be no longer involved in it. opt in
I have opted out of their mailing list, yet they still send me their offers
începe să înveți
wypisać się (np. z listy mailingowej), wycofać się (z uczestnictwa w czymś)
Wypisałem się z ich listy mailingowej, ale oni wciąż wysyłają mi swoje oferty.
opt in (to sth)
to choose to be part of an activity, arrangement, etc.:
Company policy is to leave new workers out of the pension scheme, unless they choose to opt in.
începe să înveți
wyrazić zgodę (na coś)
dead: formal
People believe they can talk with deceased loved ones through them.
începe să înveți
zmarły / zmarła
Ludzie wierzą, że za ich pośrednictwem mogą rozmawiać ze zmarłymi bliskimi.
to behave in an annoying manner towards someone by doing or asking for something repeatedly:
These students are pestering me with so many questions! I am really fed up with it
începe să înveți
prześladować, dręczyć
Ci uczniowie zadręczają mnie tyloma pytaniami! Naprawdę mam tego dość
I'm trying to run a legitimate business here
începe să înveți
legalny, prawowity, zgodny z prawem, prawny
Próbuję tutaj prowadzić legalny biznes.
speech bubble
începe să înveți
chmurka, dymek (np. w komiksie)
trump up
The accusation, she said, was trumped up in order to get rid of her.
It was an unfair, trumped up accusation.
începe să înveți
wymyślać coś, wyssać coś z palca, wyssane z palca
To było nieuczciwe, wyssane z palca oskarżenie
tired slogan
Tired slogan: This phrase implies that the slogan has been overused to the point of losing its impact or freshness. It suggests that the slogan may now be ineffective or uninteresting due to excessive use.
începe să înveți
wyświechtany slogan
Wyświechtany slogan sugeruje, że był on nadużywany do tego stopnia, że stracił swój wpływ lub świeżość. Sugeruje, że slogan może być teraz nieskuteczny lub nieciekawy z powodu nadmiernego użycia.
(of a plan or machine) so simple and easy to understand that it is unable to go wrong or be used wrongly:
I don't believe there's any such thing as a foolproof system for making money.
începe să înveți
niezawodny (o systemie, metodzie)
at a time
doing something in limited, often sequential, portions or steps.
She decided to tackle the project one step at a time to ensure she didn't miss any details.
începe să înveți
po kolei (np. po jednym pytaniu na raz, każde pytanie po kolei)
Postanowiła zająć się projektem krok po kroku, aby upewnić się, że nie przegapi żadnych szczegółów.
be keen on
liking, interested in, or wanting (to do) something very much:
He doesn't seem all that keen on being here, honestly.
începe să înveți
lubić kogoś, czuć do kogoś sympatię (o kimś, kto nam się podoba)
Szczerze mówiąc, nie wygląda na to, by chciał tu być.
a list of people's names, often with the jobs they have been given to do
Pilots had been rostered to operate flight that night.
începe să înveți
wpisać w grafik albo grafik
Piloci zostali wyznaczeni do obsługi lotu tej nocy.
take up
I don't want to take up any more of your time
începe să înveți
zajmować (czas)
Nie chcę zabierać już waszego czasu
to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable:
Pilot's initial training on the type had also been marred by relatively weak performance, especially in the area of CRM and workload management.
începe să înveți
niszczyć, psuć, zniekształcać
Początkowe szkolenie pilota na tym typie było również obarczone stosunkowo słabymi wynikami, szczególnie w obszarze CRM i zarządzania obciążeniem pracą.
in question
The pilot in question is Chesley Sullenberger
începe să înveți
wspomniany, wymieniony; o którym mowa
Pilot o którym mowa to Chesley Sullenberger.
set up the cockpit
începe să înveți
ustawić kokpit
to create difficulties for someone or something, resulting in a delay or obstruction. It can also be used to describe the act of slowing down or impeding progress.
Heavy rain hindered the construction work, causing delays in the project schedule.
începe să înveți
Ulewne deszcze utrudniały prace budowlane, powodując opóźnienia w harmonogramie projektu.
To perplex or puzzle someone: This usage implies causing someone to be unable to think clearly or understand something.
The mystery of the missing keys stumped everyone in the office
începe să înveți
zabić klina, zabić ćwieka
to give a description of the main points
At the lecture he outlined what the students would be doing.
începe să înveți
przedstawić w skrócien, naszkicować, przedstawiać w skrócie, przedstawiać w zarysie
Na wykładzie przedstawił, co studenci będą robić.
on top of that
And on top of that, the garden shredder received an award for the quietest operation in international competition
începe să înveți
poza tym, w dodatku
I na dodatek, niszczarka ogrodowa otrzymał nagrodę dla najcichszego działania w międzynarodowym konkursie.
top that!
I read that book in one evening. Top that!
începe să înveți
Przebij to
Przeczytałem tę książkę w jeden wieczór. Przebij to!
the good reputation a person or organization has, based on their behaviour and ability:
Boeing's stature in the aerospace industry is unparalleled, given its decades of innovation.
începe să înveți
renoma, pozycja (społeczna), ranga
Pozycja Boeinga w przemyśle lotniczym jest niezrównana, biorąc pod uwagę dziesięciolecia innowacji tej formy.
rev up
to become more active, or to make someone or something become more active
Rev the engine, maybe that will start the aircraft!
începe să înveți
przyspieszyć, zwiększyć obroty silnika
Zwiększ obroty silnika, może to uruchomi samolot!
bad in some parts
Airbus sales have picked up a little but they're still spotty.
începe să înveți
niejednolity (o wykonaniu czegoś), nierównomierny (np. o wynikach w nauce)
Sprzedaż Airbusa nieco wzrosła, ale nadal jest nierówna.
stand for something
to support or accept particular principles or values:
As I said to your mother, I won't stand for any nonsense.
începe să înveți
znaczyć coś, być skrótem od czegoś
Ponieważ powiedziałem do twojej matki, nie będę oznaczać jakiegoś nonsensu.
a record or count of a number of things:
The investigators meticulously examined the aircraft's black box, using the data to create a tally of all the critical events leading up to the crash.
începe să înveți
zapis (np. wydarzeń)
Śledczy skrupulatnie zbadali czarną skrzynkę samolotu, wykorzystując dane do stworzenia zestawienia wszystkich krytycznych wydarzeń prowadzących do katastrofy.
începe să înveți
ostry, przenikliwy (o bólu)

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