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a young lion, bear, wolf, big cats începe să înveți
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(of a horse) to make a soft, high sound începe să înveți
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to put on clothes quickly, in a hurry; to put throw something recklessly; wrzucić, narzucić (coś na siebie); rzucić începe să înveți
FLING ON She flung a coat on and ran out. Narzuciła płaszcz i wybiegła.
linia najmniejszego oporu începe să înveți
shy, uninteresting; nieśmiały, nieciekawy; szara myszka începe să înveți
MOUSEY I always regarded him a mousey person, which turned out absolutely wrong. Zawsze uważałem go za nieciekawego i niesmiałego człowieka, co okazało się zupełnie niesłuszne
to walk in a proud way trying to look important începe să înveți
STRUT The boys strutted around trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby.
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likes to do things on their own începe să înveți
loves taking dangerous risk începe să înveți
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a person who is unwilling to work începe să înveți
formal disapproving a person who talks too much about boring things începe să înveți
a bit wild, always getting into fights ands other trouble începe să înveți
extremely honest, or doing everything correctly and exactly as it should be done; skrupulatny începe să înveți
when you buy something that you had not planned to buy, because you suddenly want it when you see it începe să înveți
IMPULSE BUYING (to buy on impulse, impulse buy- nagły zakup) They display chocolates next to supermarket checkouts to encourage impulse buying.
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otwartość, łatwośćkontaktu începe să înveți
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to examine something carefully in order to discover more information about someone or something începe să înveți
DELVE INTO It's not always a good idea to delve too deeply into someone's past.
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to consider as separate and not related (separować) începe să înveți
present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place începe să înveți
PERVASIVE The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books. a pervasive smell of diesel Reforms are being undermined by the all-pervasive corruption in the country.
to improve your position by going past other people quickly or by missing out some stages începe să înveți
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a skill or an ability to do something easily and well începe să înveți
KNACK a knack for remembering faces She has the knack of making people feel comfortable. There's a knack to using this corkscrew.
a person who cuts down trees for wood începe să înveți
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to talk continuously and eagerly, especially about things which are not important începe să înveți
GAB I got so bored listening to him gabbing on about nothing.
(UK also rubbish dump) a place where people are allowed to leave their rubbish începe să înveți
the female of animals such as the deer or rabbit începe să înveți