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Escape of oil or liquid from a tank because of a twofold condition as a result of overflowing, thermal expansion, change in vessel trim or vessel movement
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a vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea
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Ropes or wires attached to derricks to prevent them from swinging during cargo handling operations
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To sail or head for a certain position or to continue with the voyage
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Public address system: loudspeakers in the vessel’s cabins, mess rooms, etc., and on deck through which important information can be broadcast from a central point, mostly from the navigation bridge
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Here: to pick up shipwrecked persons
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To pull a vessel off after grounding; to set afloat again
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An appointment between vessels normally made on radio to meet in a certain area or position
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in navigational warnings: position of object unconfirmed
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A deck, space, area, etc., in vessels where, for safety reasons, entry is only permitted for authorized crew members
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Here: to re-start a voyage, service or search
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Sound, visual or other signal to a team ordering it to return to its base
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The movement of an oil rig, drilling platform, etc., from one position to another
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The act of checking how many passengers and crew members are present, e.g. at assembly stations, by reading aloud a list of their names
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That speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance
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Safe working load: maximum working load of lifting equipment that should not be exceeded
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The maximum permissible pressure in cargo hoses
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Search and rescue transponder
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The area or location where the event, e.g. an accident, has happened
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A pattern according to which vessels and/or aircraft may conduct a co ordinated search (the IMOSAR offers seven search patterns)
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The speed of searching vessels directed by the OSC
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A navigational aid placed to act as a beacon or warning
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Separation of goods which for different reasons must not be stowed together
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1. Lenght of chain cable measuring 15 fathoms 2. U-shaped link closed with a pin used for connecting purposes
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Transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk cargo, caused by rolling or a heavy list
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Ropes, nets, and any other means of handling general cargoes
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The speed at which a storm centre moves
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The accidental escape of oil, etc., from a vessel, container, etc., into the sea
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Anti-pollution equipment for combating accidental spills of oils or chemicals
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Here: step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting
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To be in readiness or preapred to execute an order, to be readily available
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Here: to keep a boat away from the vessel
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Orders of the the Master to the officer of the watch which he/she must comply with
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To maintain course and speed
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The allotted place or the duties of each person on board
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Final pumping of tank’s residues
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A person who continues to live in spite of being in an extremely dangerous situation, e.g. a shipping disaster
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To lift off from a vessel’s deck (helicopter)
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The echo generated, e.g. by a vessel, on a radar screen
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A winch which applies tension to mooring lines to keep them tight
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Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (standard container dimension)
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The path followed, or to be followed, between one position and another
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Here: the passage of a vessel through a canal, fairway, etc.
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Speed of a vessel required for passage through a canal, fairway, etc.
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Here: the transfer of goods from one vessel to another outside harbours
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Describes a vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground
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A method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed over the hatch, the other over the ship’s side
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When the light of a buoy or a lighthouse are inoperative
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Universal Time Co-ordinated (GMT)
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Clockwise change in the direction of the wind; opposite of backing
Veer out (to) (of anchors) începe să înveți
To let out a greater lenght of cable
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Very High Frequency (30-300MHz)
Walk out (to) (of anchors) începe să înveți
To reverse the action of a windlass to lower the anchor until it is clear of the hawse pipe and ready for dropping
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To reverse the action of a windlass to ease the cable (of anchors)
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A position a vessel has to pass or at which she has to alter course according to her voyage plan
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The general direction from which the wind blows; opposite of leeward
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A vessel which has been destroyed, sunk or abandoned at sea
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Navigable part of a waterway
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Mandatory speed in a fairway
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Inshore Traffic Zone (of a TSS): A routing measure comprising a designated area between the landward boundary of a TSS and the adjacent coast
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A vessel’s reduced speed in circumstances where it may be required to use the engines at short notice
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A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escort procedure
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A line displayed on the radar screens in VTS Centres and/or electronic sea-charts separating the fairway for inbound and outbound vessels so that they can safely pass each other
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A mark or position at which a vessel is required to report to the local VTS Station to establish its position
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A zone or line separating the traffic lanes in which vessels are proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating a traffic lane from the adjacent sea area; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of vessels proceeding in the same direction
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VTS authorization for a vessel to proceed under conditions specified
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An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established
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Traffic Separation Scheme: a routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by the establishment of traffic lanes
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Vessel Traffic Services: services designed to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment
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Area controlled by a VTS Centre or VTS Station