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skapy, przesadnie oszczędny începe să înveți
not willing to spend money or use a lot of something: stingy She's too parsimonious to heat the house properly. I had to be a little parsimonious with the fresh thyme. I think that politicians are often parsimonious with the truth.
începe să înveți
If an amount or change is appreciable, it is large or noticeable enough to have an important effect: There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.
pędzić na oślep, masowy pęd stada zwierząt lub grupy ludzi (ze strachu, wprawiać w popłoch începe să înveți
an occasion when many large animals or many people suddenly all move quickly and in an uncontrolled way, usually in the same direction at the same time, especially because of fear: Two shoppers were injured in the stampede as shop doors opened on the first day of the sale. A loud clap of thunder made the herd stampede. No amount of pressure will stampede (= force) this committee into making hasty decisions.
începe să înveți
Well, at least I'm not following her around with my tongue lolling out, she thought.
podenerwowany, zirytowany, wyszczerbiony, awangardowy începe să înveți
nervous, unusual in a way that is fashionable or exciting: He was feeling a little edgy about the whole thing. edgy art installations. I think my style is a little edgier now.
resztki mięsa, warzyw które przywierają do patelni începe să înveți
small particles of browned food and especially meat that adhere to the bottom of a cooking pan and are used especially in making sauces After searing the steak, we noted the amount of fond (the residue of browned meat that sticks to the pan), which can be deglazed for a rich, flavorful pan sauce.
zmieszać, zbić z tropu, speszyć informal începe să înveți
to surprise and worry someone: unnerve No one is fazed by the sight of guns here any more. I think it unnerved me to be interviewed by so many people
egzekutor, członek gangu odpowiedzialny za dyscyplinę i zastraszanie, organ wykonawczy începe să înveți
someone who makes people obey a law or rule, or makes a particular situation happen or be accepted: Along the borders, law enforcers have been increasing their numbers. Criminal operations hire ruthless enforcers who will stop at nothing to ensure that payments are made.
poruszać się w kierunku zachodu (o słońcu, księżycu lub gwiazdach începe să înveți
începe să înveți
The glow on her face looked very pretty. She has a glow on her cheeks because it is cold outside.
opanować (np. umiejętność) începe să înveți
: OVERPOWER, SUBDUE the student was overmastered by the stress of taking the college placement test and broke down crying
antrykot (mięso z tuszy wołowej lub cielęcej) începe să înveți
începe să înveți
przepust, kanał drogowy. --> kojarzyć z Helmowym Jarem începe să înveți
a pipe for waste water that crosses under roads, railways, etc. The cause of the problem was thought to be an old culvert
Ame începe să înveți
cheer sb on. Antonim: root against I will be in the audience and I will root for you.
începe să înveți
to make someone or something physically weak: enfeeble Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him. a debilitating condition/disease
źródło, przyczyna; ryć, zakorzeniać się, grzebać începe să înveți
fount The gardener rooted in soil in search for weed. She was rooting in her luggage to find her ticket. The root of all evil.
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coniferous tree începe să înveți
dapper, dashing, styligh He looked spruce and handsome in a clean white shirt.
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a building where monks or nuns live, work, and pray
odchody zwierzęce, nawozić (zwierzęcym nawozem) începe să înveți
solid waste from animals, especially cattle and horses. manure, muck
zuchwały, arogancki; krzykliwy (strony) începe să înveți
(of people) showing too much confidence and too little respect:(of clothes) too bright and colourful: a brash young banker. Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for a funeral? He developed a reputation for brashness.
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najarany, spalony, pijany începe să înveți
These days smoking just half a joint can get me very stoned
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a small space that is hidden or partly sheltered: a cosy/sheltered/quiet nook
sztuczna szczęka, proteza începe să înveți
a small piece of plastic or similar material, with false teeth attached, that fits inside the mouth of someone who does not have their own teeth: false teeth. a set of dentures
skarbnica (mądrości) powiernik, strażnik (sekretu), magazyn, przechowalnia (wiedzy). începe să înveți
a place where things are stored and can be found. a person who has, or a book that contains, a lot of information or detailed knowledge She's a repository of knowledge about our family history. The library is a repository of knowledge.
rezygnowanie, zrzekanie się czegoś începe să înveți
In virtue of the forgoing, we have agreed on the following accords: With few exceptions, they oppose active euthanasia but make room for the forgoing of medical treatment when it offers no prospects for recovery.
zwis, zwisająca część; martwy sezon (zastój), wiszący luźno, wiotki, sflaczały, wolny începe să înveți
She always wore slack clothes. slack season. He grabbed the slack and pulled down the rope. He was moving at a slack pace. You shouldn't be slacking at work. slack the discipline
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a situation in which a business or a person becomes bankrupt The company was forced into bankruptcy. The toll of bankruptcies was rising daily.
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consulate office- urząd
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zaległy (o płatności), zaległy (o terminie oddania) începe să înveți
overdue You should pay all outstanding bills. He forgot to return an overdue book from the library. He forgot to return an overdue book from the library.
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începe să înveți
That can happen when an airline is strapped for cash. However, the new company was strapped for cash, and began failing almost immediately.
następujący jeden po drugim începe să înveți
happening one after another, without interruption: one by one Hamilton is celebrating back-to-back victories in the German and British Grands Prix.
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a hole that a button is pushed through to fasten a shirt, coat, etc. flower that a man wears in the buttonhole of, or fastened to, his jacket on a special occasion such as a wedding
începe să înveți
The responses had less to do with undesirability than fear. It's the undesirability of the jobs that they don't like."
începe să înveți
wyrzekać się (życia), wypierać się începe să înveți
to say formally or publicly that you no longer agree with a belief or way of behaving: People will abjure the interior life, and live only in the open. He has abjured his father's name since, and for that I do not blame him.
gładki (o skórze), lśniący (o włosach), jedwabisty (połysk czegoś). începe să înveți
soft and smooth, like silk: Persian cats have long, silky fur. The villain leans over and speaks to her in a silky persuasive voice.
niszczarka (do dokumentów) începe să înveți
a tool or machine that is used for cutting things into very small pieces a paper/document/vegetable shredder Much of the documentary evidence against her had been put through the shredder before she was arrested.
începe să înveți
a person who cannot stop using crack (= an illegal drug)
odcinać, obrzynać(np. gałąź) începe să înveți
to cut a piece from something with a single quick action We’ve got to lop off the lower branches of this tree. The city council lopped thousands of dollars from the budget.
porcja (ilość przyrządzona przy jednym pieczeniu np. ciastka, chleb) warka (piwa), TURNUS începe să înveți
the quantity produced at one operation. the quantity baked at one time The second batch is arriving to the camp next week. that's barely one out of three planned batches of christmas gingerbreads.
uwłaczający, poniżający (komentarz) începe să înveți
expressive of a low opinion: DISPARAGING. detracting from the character or standing of something He remained abstained from saying a word derogatory to his new friend's religion. derogatory remarks a derogatory term
margaryna do smarowania, pasta (np. do smarowania pieczywa începe să înveți
Could you make me a sandwich with egg spread? this fish spread is delicious, grandma!
przewodowy (posiadający przewód), prążkowany (ubranie), NAPRĘŻONY (MIĘŚNIE) începe să înveți
having an electrical cord (= a piece of wire covered in plastic that connects equipment to a power supply): fastened with cord (= rope or string made of twisted threads): Don't use corded phones and computers inside during electrical storms. His muscularity was apparent in his corded neck and wide shoulders. My trunks were packed, locked, and corded.
o zbyt dużej zawartości alkoholu începe să înveți
containing more alcohol than proof spirit Devotional items on one altar include machetes, goat horns, dice and a small bottle of overproof white rum.
rywalizować, współzawodniczyć începe să înveți
to compete with other people to achieve or get something Six candidates are currently vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. The two older children tend to vie with the younger one for their mother's attention. The two groups of scientists are vying to get funding for their research projects.
începe să înveți
I felt like that myself, and was cast down for many months. She did not look at any of us, but kept her eyes cast down.
bierne palenie, dym papierosowy wdychany przez osoby începe să înveți
Millions of children the world over are exposed to second-hand smoke
coś nie mieści się w czyjeś głowie începe să înveți
something boggle somebody's mind I tell you, what goes on there boggles the mind! You know what boggles my mind about all this stuff?
rozstrzygający, ostateczny începe să înveți
proving that something is true, or ending any doubt: They had conclusive evidence/proof of her guilt. a conclusive argument. The medical tests were inconclusive, and will need to be repeated.
drobne zastrzeżenie, spierać się (o szczegóły), sprzeczać się (o rzeczy nieistotne) începe să înveți
to argue about, or say you disapprove of, something that is not important. bicker They are always quibbling about cat food. There's no point quibbling about/over a couple of dollars.
începe să înveți
a man who is the main news reader on a television or radio news programme: The late-night current affairs show has a new anchorman.
świetny (AmE), porządny, schludny (o osobie lubiącej porządek) începe să înveți
Now that was a neat song, wasn't it? Her wardrobe was filled with neat piles of clothes.
orzeczenie, orzecznik; twierdzić, orzekać începe să înveți
in grammar, the part of a sentence that contains the verb and gives information about the subject: In the sentence "We went to the airport", "went to the airport" is the predicate. It would be unwise to predicate that the disease is caused by a virus before further tests have been carried out. The sales forecast is predicated on the assumption that...