Are you on board with, messed up, idea is spot on, rings true, it makes sense, is patently not true, vacuous comments, sweeping statements, trot out these trite, are way too oversimplistic, complete fallacies, is flying in the face, dwell on, bugs me

 0    14 cartonașe    maksborysowski
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{Czy zgadzasz się z} the plan for the project?
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Are you on board with
I really {zawalić, zepsuć} the schedule.
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messed up {mɛst ʌp}
Your {pomysł jest trafiony, doskonały}.
începe să înveți
idea is spot on {ðə aɪˈdɪə ɪz spɒt ɒn}
I was told a story that {brzmi prawdziwie}, whether it is or not.
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rings true {rɪŋz truː}
{To ma sens} to pay off your debts
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it makes sense {ɪt meɪks sɛns}
His excuse {jest ewidentnie nieprawdziwe}.
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is patently not true {ɪz ˈpeɪtəntli nɒt truː}
He kept making {puste komentarze} throughout the meeting.
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vacuous comments {ˈvækjʊəs ˈkɒmɛnts}
She made {ogólnikowe stwierdzenia} about the industry without specifics.
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sweeping statements {swiːpɪŋ ˈsteɪtmənts}
He would often {używa utartych fraz} in his speeches.
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trot out these trite phrases {trɒt aʊt ðiz traɪt ˈfreɪzɪz}
Their explanations {są zdecydowanie zbyt uproszczone} for such complex issues.
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are way too oversimplistic {ər weɪ tuː ˌəʊvərˈsɪmplɪstɪk}
His arguments are filled with {całkowite, pełne błędów logicznych}.
începe să înveți
complete fallacies {kəmˈpliːt ˈfæləsiːz}
Her decision to pursue a career in art instead of medicine {stoi w sprzeczności} of her family's expectations.
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is flying in the face
{Nie rozpamiętuj, nie rozwodź sie nad} on the past mistakes.
începe să înveți
Don't dwell on {dwɛl ɒn}
{Wkurza mnie to} bardzo.
începe să înveți
It bugs me {ɪt bʌɡz mi}

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