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Po początkowym szturchnięciu napisała dziesiątki opracowań i esejów. începe să înveți
After the initial nudge, she wrote dozens of studies and essays.
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Nasze spotkanie było niemiłą niespodzianką. începe să înveți
encounter = meeting=gathering Our encounter was an unpleasant surprise.
śledzić śledzić / śledzić Śledziliśmy twoją karierę i chcemy cię zatrudnić. Musimy śledzić jego postępy i mu pomagać. începe să înveți
to trace /to follow / to track We traced your career and we want to hire you. We have to track his progress and help him.
Podążyliśmy tropem dzikich zwierząt. începe să înveți
We followed the tracks of wild animals.
Teoretycznie nadal możemy wygrać, ale nie wydaje mi się, że wygramy. începe să înveți
Theoretically, we could still win, but I don't think we will.
Niektórzy z nich śledzą własne zaangażowanie w feminizm i teorię gender od spotkania z Haną na początku lat 90. începe să înveți
to engage with a theme or a topic Some of them tracing their own engagement with feminism and gender theory to their encounter with Hana in the early 1990s.
odbywać się, przeprowadzać, organizować (np. spotkania) Zorganizowali imprezę na rynku începe să înveți
They held an event in the market square.
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to plague = bother someone
W swoim przemówieniu na cześć Hany wspomniała o swoim wykładzie na sympozjum. începe să înveți
In her speech in Hana's honor, she mentioned her lecture at the symposium
rozpoczynać (akcję, kampanię), wprowadzić (produkt na rynek) Dała jej dar rozpoczęcia kariery naukowej jako opublikowanego naukowca. începe să înveți
She gave her the gift of launching her career as a published researcher.
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Na Wydziale, na którym uczę, widzę, że zainteresowanie studentów feminizmem jest ogromne...... nawet antyfeminizm oddał wielką przysługę. începe să înveți
In the Faculty where I teach, I can see that students’ interest in feminism is huge ... even antifeminism did a great service.
To właśnie podczas tej naukowej uroczystości Herta Nagl-Docekal, austriacka filozofka feministyczna, zapewniła wgląd w feministyczne początki Hany. începe să înveți
It was at this scholarly celebration that Austrian feminist philosopher Herta Nagl-Docekal provided insight into Hana's feminist beginnings.
wspomnieć o czymś komuś, napomknąć komuś o czymś wspomniała o swoim wykładzie na sympozjum începe să înveți
she mentioned her lecture at the symposium
Już sam ten fakt kwestionuje mit, że myślenie feministyczne i badania nad płcią były „importem z Zachodu”, który wciąż nęka czeskie i międzynarodowe środowisko akademickie. începe să înveți
This fact alone questions the myth that feminist thinking and gender research was a “Western import” that still plagues Czech and international academia
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istota, sedno, rdzeń, podstawa, centrum începe să înveți
Libora po raz pierwszy spotkała Hanę w innej kultowym otoczeniu, na spotkaniu naukowców, studentów i aktywistów, którzy stali się trzonem grupy wokół słynnego Centrum Badań nad Gender. începe să înveți
Libora first met Hana in another iconic company, at a gathering of scholars, students, and activists that became the core group around the renowned Gender Studies Center.
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rozwijający się, rosnący w szybkim tempie Chętnie przyłączyła się do rozwijającej się feministycznej dyskusji. începe să înveți
developing, growing at a rapid pace She was eager to join the burgeoning feminist discussion.
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nosić (np. podpis, znamiona, podobieństwo) Była to pierwsza publikacja Libory, a projekt nosił wszelkie znamiona początkującego. începe să înveți
It was Libora's first publication and the draft bore all the marks of a beginner.
widownia, publiczność, audytorium, grupa odbiorców începe să înveți
Hana nauczyła ją pisać dla odbiorców naukowych. începe să înveți
Hana taught her to write for a scholarly audience.
Ten epizod jest typowy dla hojności Hany dla młodszych naukowców i studentów. începe să înveți
The episode is typical of Hana's generosity to younger scholars and to students.
Jej wykłady były zaraźliwe w najlepszym tego słowa znaczeniu. începe să înveți
Her lectures were contagious in the best sense of the word.