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He nodded to me to say hello. începe să înveți
Skinął mi głową, żeby się przywitać.
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I bet you didn’t expect that! How much do you want to bet? începe să înveți
Założę się, że nie spodziewałeś się tego!
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I inherited this house from my father începe să înveți
Odziedziczyłam ten dom po moim tacie
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I love to walk barefoot in the meadow începe să înveți
uwielbiam spacerować boso po łące
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Slapping somebody across the face is not only considered rude but in some parts of world might be a serious offence. începe să înveți
Uderzenie kogoś w twarz jest nie tylko uważane za niegrzeczne, ale w niektórych częściach świata może być poważnym wykroczeniem.
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a thing that is not possible or acceptable. Giving yellow flowers as a present in Russia is a big no-no - they signify funerals începe să înveți
rzecz niemożliwa do zaakceptowania Wręczanie żółtych kwiatów jako prezentu w Rosji to wielkie nie-nie - oznaczają pogrzeby
Their amazing vlog has now gone viral with millions of views. începe să înveți
stało się bardzo popularne Ich niesamowity vlog stał się niesamowicie popularny z milionami wyświetleń.
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Having updates all the cupboards in our kitchen, it was finally the time to scrape all the ugly beige paint off the walls. începe să înveți
Po odnowieniu wszystkich szafek w naszej kuchni nadszedł w końcu czas, aby zeskrobać całą brzydką beżową farbę ze ścian.
In my family making any loud noises around the table, such as burping is considered rude. începe să înveți
W mojej rodzinie głośne odgłosy przy stole, takie jak bekanie, są uważane za niegrzeczne.
For the sake of being true to each other, let's agree never to lie again. începe să înveți
Przez wzgląd na to żebyśmy byli sobie wierni, zgódźmy się nigdy więcej nie kłamać.
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przezabawny, przekomiczny
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dowcipny, inteligentny dowcip
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The prize is awarded yearly in the assembly hall of Oxford University. începe să înveți
Nagroda jest przyznawana corocznie w auli Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego.
The new professor was appointed to manage the Departament of Finance. începe să înveți
Nowy profesor został powołany do kierowania Katedrą Finansów.
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An amount of money given to a bright student to pay for their studies. începe să înveți
Kwota pieniędzy przekazana błyskotliwemu studentowi na opłacenie studiów.