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Bauhaus, etymologically means, Home Construction, was founded in 1919 in Weimar (Germany), by Walter Gropius, moved to Dessau in 1925 and disbanded in 1933 in Berlin începe să înveți
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Architects, sculptors, painters, we must all return to manual labor! începe să înveți
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together we conceive and build the new building of the future that will accommodate all-in architecture, sculpture and painting începe să înveți
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With the building of the Bauhaus, Gropius implemented its ambition of designing processes of life, and to unite art, technique and aesthetics in search functionality începe să înveți
trying to overcome the divorce between art and industrial production on one side and the other between art and craft. începe să înveți
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Develop the use of new materials and technology without neglecting the legacy of craftsmanship. începe să înveți
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above all, a conception of space dominated by the interplay between inside and outside through the glass wall. începe să înveți
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impose one's personality on somebody începe să înveți
narzucać własnej osobowości na kogoś
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Modern Movement: rationally articulated pure volumes (functionalism), innovative use of new materials such as curtain wall glass facades, horizontal windows, no decoration, overall design of all elements and, începe să înveți
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Each facade responds to the demands of the activity taking place inside: începe să înveți
Każda fasada odpowiada na potrzeby tej działalności ma miejsce wewnątrz:
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the front of the classroom block is composed of horizontal windows, whose function is to ensure adequate lighting începe să înveți
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the apartments, however, shows individual openings designed to increase privacy. începe să înveți
The workshops have a significant glass front, allowing maximum light and view of the interior from outside începe să înveți
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that lets you remove the buttress of the corner, thus creating that famous image of transparency angle începe să înveți
that lets you remove the buttress of the corner, thus creating that famous image of transparency angle începe să înveți
który pozwala usunąć podporą rogu, tworząc w ten sposób, że słynny obraz kątem przejrzystości, który jest jednym z bardziej typowych formalnych aspektów Bauhaus.
thus creating that famous image of transparency angle which is one of the more typical formal aspects of the Bauhaus. începe să înveți
który pozwala usunąć podporą rogu, tworząc w ten sposób, że słynny obraz kątem przejrzystości, który jest jednym z bardziej typowych formalnych aspektów Bauhaus.
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rooted in the past centuries începe să înveți
zakorzenione w dawnych wiekach
spot lights illuminated the fasade începe să înveți
oświetlenie punktowe oświetlały fasady
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followed one another over începe să înveți
następowały po sobie w ciągu
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zorganizować/ zmobilizować
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